
Way to stand up for yourself Haejin.
I hate down voters!

Final warning. STOP abusing Steem rewards pool. Take back your unfair flags on my last two post or face consequences.

You initiated the downvotes. Take back yours and mine will be returned. Fair enough? I will defend my blog from unfair downvotes.

I am not abusing the Rewards Pool but you are and the Steem Community knows it. I'll stop flagging you when you stop the abuse. I'll get other Whales with more SP to start flagging you too if you don't change your behavior.

Your self upvotes are not abuse? Many would call it so!

You can self upvote but in the past you have one huge whale upvoting you $300 or more. That's a no no. Being that we both have sizable amounts of SP, its not healthy to let the system go unchecked. In my opinion you are damaging the rewards pool and that's bad for all Steem hodlers including yourself and the whale that has been upvoting you so much. I only ask that you chillout. Make a few quality post per day and don't collude with big whales. I will remove my flags for now but if this kind of thing keeps happening I cannot stand by idle and I'll need to take more action exposing this situation. You need to remove your flags also.

Check my blog from the early days. I am doing ablolutely nothing different in number of posts, quality of posts and most of my posts are per requests on analysis from my followers.

I post 10 a day because each analysis stands on its own and timing is of matter. Awaiting once or twice a day to accumulate trade info....not acceptable for trade timing.

Ned had posted that my posts have driven massive traffic to steemit. The number of new Steemit joiners are also huge from youtube, twitter and stockwits posts. So, NO, I'm NOT hurting steemit, quite the opposite.

I will continue as I had been since the beginning of my blog. I am not hurting anyone...rather helping many with free, on demand analysis of cryptocurrencies and free tutorials.

Please go after the autovote bots...they suck 30% of the reward pool per day! Have the whales...oh wait, these bots are owned by the whales! Go check these bot payouts! $18k or more per day. They upvote blindly, regardless of quality of post or spam or whatever.

Check also my attempts to reason with the likes of @hendrix22 who initiated the jealousy driven downvotes and now has me on autodownvotes. He resorts to name calling and insult ridden memes...all for what?

Last but not least, you seem to be making your own rules of acceptable and non-acceptable. For instance, you state that self upvoting is fine when especailly it suits your needs. Hmm, many would flag you for self upvoting. For you to blanket apply your views of acceptable and not acceptable with threats of whale attacks makes Steemit the Wild West. So, yes, it has been and will be the survival of the qualtiy of posts, followers and upvotes! Thus far, I'm doing pretty well in those areas and many simply see my upvote payouts and attack with downvotes. Well, I then reuturn with self defensive downvotes.

Make sure you remove your downvotes for me. I removed my flags for yours. Let's move on.

Done. I appreciate you at least hearing me out.

What is it like to be destroyed with pure logic from a gentle butterfly?

Comes in guns blazing, gets destroyed, backpedals into submission.

How fitting.

Haejins motto is do no harm, maybe you should consider something like that.

Neither am I. IF others upvote, they are self made choices. Yet, you blame me for receiving upvotes. Ill placed rationale. If you are jealous of the upvotes and my >23K followers, then I only have one suggestion: IMPROVE your content! I've reviewed your content and found it to be both good and original, except that the good parts are not very original and the original parts are not very good. Those are the reasons why I also downvoted your blogs...poor quality.

I will return your downvotes so long as you continue downvoting me. Therefore your threats are wrongly placed. My SP is being used to defend against such threats. My downvotes are purely self defensive, never initiated.

Why don't you go after the vote selling bots who upvote regardless of quality of content! They draw >30% of reward pool everyday! These bots upvote a one picture or five word posts! I don't use upvote bots, as you can see.

My self votes are to bring back my blogs to visibility after the bots downvote. I also self vote 6 day ones as they are often targeted by these bots. Some self votes are prophylactic when a blog I feel is urgent and needs to not have the risk of being downvoted to invisible so others can't see.

Again, the non-self voting upvotes I receive are not abuse as everyone in steemit upvote via self made decisions. My downvotes are not abuse they are purly self defensive.

Have you seen the upvotes these trolls make on their own posts? Why don't you go after them! Their self upvotes are not in self defense of downvote threats.

Make sure you remove your flags on my 3 post. I took my flags off your post.

@hedge-x Clearly you must be brain dead not to understand how this works. Haejin puts out something the public wants and reads, we decide to reward him. Who are you to decide what I do with my vote?
I had to bite my tong writing this because I would really have liked to tell you what I think about idiots like you.

Yeah, I am an idiot. Big one. I been here since beginning of Steem, so I don't know what's going on. Active the entire time on Steemit. Invested in Bitcoin 2013 and ETH 2016. I don't have a clue man. I am a fucking moron and idiot.

@Hedge-x, now you are starting to make sense LOL, you have hit the nail on the head. your statement "I don't have a clue man. I am a fucking moron and idiot." is spot on.

@Haejin Is Stealing In The Next 7 Days:
$ 20,488.06 ( ~ 69,260.10 USD )
( 2.909 % of total reward fund )

How exactly is @haejin "abusing the rewards pool?" By sending a troll bot army after his posts, to prevent him from getting a proper payout for his high quality posts, it would appear as though YOU are the one (or ones) actually abusing the rewards pool. He then is forced to respond by self-voting in order to protect the posts against your baseless attacks.

If you, and those like you, would just worry more about the quality of your own posts instead of actively trying to destroy more talented posters, this community would really flourish. A rising tide lifts all ships.

Congrats on making your first comment! You're one of the great 23k :)

I just want to thank you for everything you contribute to the platform!

OOOHHHH gonna get some big whales on your side if you don't get your way. You must be new. Bernibot and the douchebag army have been trying to silence haejin and silence the upvotes of his 23k followers for months. They are losing ground every day, you can't silence us.

@hedge-x I am with you.I am always with honest and fair peoples.Haejin is big crap abusing steem rewards pool.

Have you seen the price of Zclassic today? I have been calling it for a while, finally people are waking up to the Bitcoin Private hard fork that is coming...this is huge, so huge that if satoshi nakamoto is still alive and still hodls his keys he can potentially move his BTCP without anyone knowing

Bullshit haejin, same story for bitcoin from last month just stealing rewards.
Everyone think for a min from last month he doing zigzag dingdong bull wick and bear wick,bullshit trainagle bullshit waves.
Ripple going to $15.44
XVG massive profits
EOS first going to 46.80 in december
Then he said going to $3 then now again going high.
In this market situation he don't know how to react because he only know elliot waves & bullish market ends.Now he confused because he is inexperienced.
Even he don't know about support and resistance.
Check his 2 days ago analysis where he mention resistance for support.
Price bounce back from that area & haejin call it resistance. Bullshit.

@lordoftruth one TA today more better than this crap.

Interesting, I need to look into this one

Hey Phil!

Please start to incorporate CRYPTOCURRENCY within your Weekly Reports!

Here are some Altcoins you can talk about:
#Walton (WTC)
#Dragonchain (DRGN)
#OmiseGO (OMG)
#Litecoin (LTC)
#Stellar Lumens (XLM)

Please let me know if you need any help on these Subjects - I can provide you with great News Sources for Upcoming News / Events.

I think all your Viewers need to start taking advantage of Cryptos sooner than later!

Thank you!

Two whales argue over who's fins are bigger.

Meanwhile, the little fish still make no money and the whole platform is controlled by bots.

YouTube link doesn't work... is it just me?

Looks like it will take some time to make the move

Hmm nice one dude @haejin ...... Great to view this video. really helped me alot :)
Thanks for sharing it with us :)