Drug War Stories: Attacked in Arvada

in #war7 years ago

So dude man got sentenced to over one year federal style cage for mailing a substance that brings joy to video gamers and foodies a like. The businessman was trying to supply a market the government has proven incapable of quashing. Instead of letting deals go down via the mail or in safe shops, the storm troopers force it into alley ways. And when there's a problem instead of courts and equity, people have only vigilante justice or biting the lose as tools in they box.

The article in reference seems to go into the pot through the mail industry. The article asserts a chicago mail center has seen a 2,000 times increase from 2010-2014 for Colorado dope. The processing facility in Chicago processed an estimated 155 billion pieces of mail with nearly 10k, or 80% of it containing laughing grass containing about 40k lbs. The article goes on to assert United States Postal Inspection Service seized in 2016 about 854 parcels of mail from Colorado a 32% increase over the previous fiscal year of 581 containers seized.



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155 billion pieces of mail with nearly 10k, or 80% of it .. What kind of stoner math is this ?
The more I look at this terribly written post with a massive payout thanks to bidbots the more annoyed I get, flagging for disagreement over rewards.

@v4vapid already discussed this with ausbit, the bad math is from the underlying article which makes the numbers not very clear. My post was 150+ charachters and released public domain so people can reference my response and summary of the underlying article for free.

Took me months to get the amount you guys downvoted btw doing surveys and watching videos so i could actually make enough power on steem to quit doing that shit.

I spent sufficent proof of brain on this post and complied with all posted downvote guidelines. Honestly these downvotes make me just want to quit steem. I fucking hate this stress. I am hoping to start a vlog and make better content so you guys will leave me alone.

But very disappointed you seem to want to minimize and silence my voice about how fucked up these drug war stories are. I am thinking about quitting posting everyday as fatkat and learnguitar so i dont get this stress anymore and just sell my upvote. But if the vlog stuff goes somewhere then may have to put up with the fucked up bullying. Post why you guys downvote and I will follow it. Tell me revisions to do to unearn downvotes and I am more than happy.

Thanks for your time.

          I don't know what the payout was before your vote, but many people think bid bots are needed. I mean stoners need to buy stuff too. Just kidding. Where bid bots are used all actions/reactions are legit, like they say buyer beware, and if people do not know by now that some people abhor the use of them then they need to open their eyes. Personally I don't think bid-bots/vote bots are needed, but to each their own I guess.

yea idk pretty lame and aggressive to destroy all this money that took months to earn the amounts of these downvotes.

          Reward disagreement is one of the legit uses of the down vote. If an individual thinks the reward is to great they can lower the payout, he did not lower it a whole lot, and at least you did not get a visit by grumpycat. I can see the use of the word lame if the downvote was on the payout and no vote bots at all were used, then it would be lame. But honestly what is more lame, buying votes or someone downvoting a post that purchased votes? I have never had a post go over I think 15 dollars, but I do not and will not buy votes. I do not care if others want to sell their vote, or if people want to buy votes, the vote after all belongs to the vote owner, the SDB belongs to the buyer, the reward pool belongs to everyone, and someone sees a hand reaching to deep they use their flags.

Weed is still listed as a schedule 1....which implies 0 medical uses....ridiculous, hopefully some sanity returns to the elite

yes it is very despicable the current state of federal intervenetion

So tobacco, fast food and alcohol must have some health benefits if they're legal 🙃 unless we're living in an upside down world. Surely the group of people that take 1/2 of our wealth know what's best for our health and well being too.

the world is pretty much upside down then. Hopefully we are free someday

You are smart

Kids , don't do drugs

yea, best for them to be kids, but still doesnt make putting people into cages any better

weed isn't good for health

i have yet to see any credible evidence of that?

I am not sure what this statement is based on. They are curing people of cancer with weed in the US right now as well as using it for countless other beneficial uses for health.

yea i have heard way more evidence for it helping as a medicine especially for anorexia

I agree with you.
Especially for mental health. From the moment you smoke for the first time, normal activities like riding a bike or chess game stop enjoying. Everything gets boring. Only smoking gives pleasure.
It takes some time to start enjoying normal things again but it will never be the same again.

uhh chess and biking are way better when stoned from what i heard?

Of course better. Much better. That is the problem.
If something is better after smoking it is worse before smoking :) So it does not taste the same as before but worse :)
After you smoke for the first time, you have a comparison.
You do not enjoy as much as you used to do with basic activities like eating chocolate.
It is very simply to understand if you are open minded.

You must take prescription drugs to come up with that statement. People do not stop enjoying what they enjoyed before smoking pot. your statement is completely ridiculous. I have know lots of people that smoke, none of them stopped all pleasures of life just to smoke. They do not consider everything boring nor is it the only thing that gives them pleasure. Let me guess, you are one of those that believe in kill the ego part of yourself. I myself do not smoke nor use, but like I said I know a lot of people that do, some of them can even add 1+1 and get 2. Many "mental health" issues are helped by the use of pot. Especially PTSD, or would you rather have people on psychotic medication that list the number one side effect as "may lead to thoughts of suicide" yeah thats is some healthy alternative to marijuana. Look at reality instead of being a member of the white coat boot lick society.

You wrote that you do not smoke. So what can you say about the feelings of people who smoke?

I do not question the importance of marijuana in medicine.

I did not say medications are a better alternative to marijuana.

I do not know what you're trying to say.
I advise people not to try? And you?

dude what you said is just not true ask anyone who has smoked??

correct, absolute nonsense comment

Nice post: @fatkat
You know, when the use of a substance is unknown, abuse is inevitable. O'er here, weed is also frowned at but that also makes it a highly sought after substance. International bodies like WHO and others concerned should find actionable solutions to curbing it rather than making it a forceful contraband. In famous Nigerian slang "Ko-le-werk" (meaning IT CAN'T WORK)

yea its terrible people keep wanting to treat adults like children, you in lagos?

One by one the states will make pot legal till the fed has to change. lol ... brief optimistic view... a guy can dream.

yep, will be interesting how the war on weed ends in merica

spam comment, people downvote these kinds of comment man

So regrettable. The DEA has spent such a long time fighting weed, and to turn around the subject is too much against their pride, despite state-wide support. True ignorance...and hypocrisy.

yep, thanks for your ideas, hopefully we will be free someday!!

Release the Kraken! You got a 15.45% upvote from @seakraken courtesy of @fatkat!