The Cold War was a timeframe when the world was.

in #war3 years ago

When we go back over the centuries that make up American history, we can easily identify important military battles that reflect the country's main wars.

From World War II to the Civil War to the Korean War to World War I, America has been involved in a number of military conflicts and has won all but a handful of them.

But one of the oddest and longest-running wars that America has ever fought was known as "The Cold War."

For many people in today's America, the Cold War was a way of life for decades.

There was no battlefield, no forces on deployment, no body counts, and no big engagements to record, therefore it was a cold war.

Instead, from the end of World War II until the early 1990s, there was a protracted period of quiet hostility between the US and the Soviet Union.

The peculiar thing was that the cold war arose from a friendly connection between the United States and the Soviet Union during World War II.

However, the seeds of the "conflict" were sown at the end of that dreadful war.

The concept of a "superpower" arose as a result of the presence of nuclear technology.

This was not a cause of concern until the Soviet Union produced the bomb as well, resulting in a long cold war in which both countries trained thousands of these weapons on each other to warn the other that they must never consider launching them.was a staring battle that lasted nearly fifty years and drained both economies tremendously.

Both countries possessed

Despite the fact that both countries had enough weapons to destroy the globe dozens of times, they insisted on "having parity" during the Cold War.

There was no way that a war between the Soviet Union and the United States could ever be permitted.

The consequences of using those weapons had the ability to wipe out life on the planet.

Neither country, however, was willing to lay down their armaments and start the process of peacemaking with the other.

For fifty years, the weapons continued to point at each other, day after day, year after year.
Rather than fighting directly, the two countries fought each other in minor conflicts all over the world.

The Soviet Unions, in collaboration with China, joyfully contributed to the United States' humiliating defeat in Vietnam.

However, the US subsequently turned around and armed the Afghan Mujahideen, resulting in the Soviet Union's occupation of that country being defeated.

From proxy conflicts to the space race to occasional showdowns like the Cuban Missile Crisis, the Cold War lasted decades, putting both countries' will and commitment to never look away and give the other the upper hand.

In the early 1990s, the pressure on the economies of the two countries finally took its toll, mainly in the Soviet Union.
