What would happen if the German army did not attack the Soviet Union but instead consolidated Europe during World War II?

in #war9 months ago

The high-level officials of Britain and France have always believed that Germany would go to attack the Soviet Union, but instead Germany attacked them. Ximo could have completely annihilated the Anglo French coalition in Dunkirk, but he ordered the armored forces to stop advancing. Without reaching a ceasefire agreement with the British Peninsula, they hastily marched eastward. Analyzing the situation at that time, Germany was strong and had no fear of Britain, intending to take over Britain. But the reality is that the German army has strong land combat capabilities, but weak naval combat capabilities. Despite several battles, the German navy was unable to effectively cross the English Channel, let alone talk about occupying Britain. So, the German army began to use their air force to bomb Britain, attempting to slowly destroy the determination of the British to resist. As a typical figure of the old British Empire, Churchill naturally did not easily succumb and gave passionate speeches every day, inspiring Britain's resistance. In this way, if Ximo wants to take over Britain's battle plan, he has to postpone it and can only slowly waste some time with Britain. The original intention of Ximo's conquest of Europe may have some similarities with Napoleon's original intention, which was to merge all small countries and establish a "Europa United States". After flipping through books and looking at the war situation, Hitler came up with a solution: Britain has been stubbornly resisting because there is also the Soviet Union to the east - they have vast territory and strong capabilities. As long as Britain and the Soviet Union are sandwiched, Germany will be attacked on both sides! We must not let the treacherous schemes of British donkeys succeed! Britain may not be able to take it down for a while, so take the Soviet Union and then turn back to deal with the British little donkey.