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RE: From the stone age to modern warfare in a couple of years and the hunter-gatherer lifestyle lost.

in #war8 years ago

I really like your posts about south Africa, I love History and in the U.S. we don't get much about Africa honestly. A mutual friend suggested I seek out your support for what I am doing on here. I am a recovering Heroin addict with 19 months clean. I manage a transitional housing program and attend college full time. I blog about my life story and recovery issues. I have succeeded in getting a chat room on Discord started for #Recovery-Addiction and it is growing slowly. I am trying to reach more people to tell me story and show them that if I can change anyone can, and develop a support network on here. If you maybe consider reading some of my posts and seeing if you would feel right supporting me I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you and God Bless!