Preparation Of The World For WWIII

in #war7 years ago

China Officially Orders The Citizens To Prepare World War III

By: Amando Flavio via
Following the July 12th 2016 ruling by the Permanent Court of Arbitration (PCA) in The Hague, that the People’s Republic of China’s nine-dash-line claim in the South China Sea, and its land reclamation activities on islets are invalid and unlawful, the Chinese Defense Minister, Chang Wanquan has urged his country’s citizens to prepare for what he described as the people’s war at sea.
The Philippines had drag China to the PCA over the territory. However, despite the ruling in favor of the Philippines, China has vowed to take all necessary measures available to protect its sovereignty over the area, revealing that it had the right to set up an air defense zone on the sea.

Mr Wanquan reportedly made the statement while inspecting military installations in China’s eastern coastal province of Zhejiang. The Defense Minister said the Chinese public should be educated about national defense issues, because the country’s sovereignty and its territorial integrity are at risk.
According to China’s state-run news agency Xinhua, Wanquan also warned of offshore security threats, and the need to acknowledge the gravity of risk to China’s national security. He further charged the entire security apparatus of the country, including the military, police, together with citizens to prepare for mobilization to defend their national sovereignty and territorial integrity.
According to commentators, China has a strong belief that the United States instigated the Philippines to dispute the South China Sea, so that the United States could take advantage and exploit the area for its benefit.
The Business Insider reports that apart from maritime traffic advantage of the South China Sea, in addition, the area has proven oil reserves estimated up to seven billion barrels, and 900 trillion cubic feet of natural gas. China’s estimate of the oil reserves in the area, is far higher than what we know. The Chinese estimate stands at 130 billion barrels of oil. China, therefore believes all these belong to the Chinese nation, without any dispute.
Already, China has deployed warship and nuclear bombers to the South China Sea, close to the disputed area. The Free Thought Projectconfirms that hundreds of ships and submarines from all three fleets of China’s People’s Liberation Army conducted extensive live ammunition drills in the country’s East, North, and South Seas as a show of offensive and defensive capabilities.
This military exercise is said to show as a proof of the country’s resolve not to capitulate to the ruling of the PCA. A statement from the Chinese Navy said the drill was aimed at honing the assault intensity, precision, stability and speed of troops amid heavy electronic influences, revealing that an information technology-based war at sea is sudden, cruel and short, which requires a fast transition to combat status, quick transition and high assault efficiency.
According to Chinese anonymous source, this military exercise is the beginning of a wider and longer exercise in the disputed area. In fact, China is planning to conduct joint naval drills with its ally, Russia, in a yet-to-be disclosed location, in September. However, many observers suspect that the drill is likely to take place in the disputed area.
On August 2nf 2016, China’s Supreme Court issued a regulation urging the country to take all necessary measures available to protect its territorial waters.
“People’s courts will actively exercise jurisdiction over China’s territorial waters, support administrative departments to legally perform maritime management duties, equally protect the legal rights of Chinese and foreign parties involved and safeguard Chinese territorial sovereignty and maritime interests,” the regulation stated.
According to the Global China Times the assertion by some United States pundits that their country will defeat China, if the two countries engage in military conflict, is completely false. The Times claims China can boast of a 2.3 million-strong army, adding that China would not like to start a military conflict with the United States, unless the United States shows extreme provocation in the disputed area.
The Time wrote in an editorial: “China doesn’t want wars, a war with the United States in particular. The only possible scenario for a Sino-United States war is that the United States corners China on its doorstep with unacceptable provocations and China has to fight back. We will be very prudent about going to war, but if a war is triggered, we will have greater determination than the United States to fight it to the end and we can endure more losses than the United States.”
Meanwhile, despite these developments, the United States is busily upgrading its several military bases in the Philippines. The United States is also planning on increasing its presence in the disputed area. It has conducted military exercises close to the disputed area in the past.
The United States claims it is doing so to ensure freedom of navigation in the South China Sea. But observers see this as something that could provoke China to confront the United States militarily, which could lead to a wider conflict, possibly, World War III.

Russia is preparing for nuclear war

Putin Missile
Russian President Vladimir Putin during naval exercises in Russia’s Arctic North.
Across Russia, 40 million civilians and military personnel just finished up emergency drills aimed at preparing the general population for nuclear or chemical-weapons attacks, The Wall Street Journal's Thomas Grove reports.
Video shows Russian civilians practicing along with officials and workers in hazardous-material protective suits.
But as troubling as the largest civil defense drills since the height of the Cold War have been, the steps Russia has taken to improve its offensive nuclear capabilities likely overshadow them.
Since the breakdown of US-Russia talks on the fate of Syria, Russia has pulled out of a nuclear-nonproliferation agreement with the US, citing "unfriendly acts" by America. It has moved nuclear-capable missiles to its European enclave of Kaliningrad, and threatened "asymmetrical" and "painful" actions against the US should it decide to impose sanctions on Russia over Syria.

A Russian Yars RS-24 intercontinental ballistic missile system drives during the Victory Day parade, marking the 71st anniversary of the victory over Nazi Germany in World War Two, at Red Square in Moscow, Russia, May 9, 2016. REUTERS/Grigory Dukor
Thomson Reuters
Additionally, Russia's state-run media has been ratcheting up anti-American rhetoric.
Lev Gudkov, head of the Russian polling group Levada-Center, told The Journal that in Russia "most people believe that the Third World War has begun, but right now we are still in the cold phase of the war, which may or may not turn into a hot war."
In Syria and the Ukraine, Russia has turned away from diplomacy and toward military solutions to standoffs with the West. Russia's recent installation of another missile defense battery in Syria gives the US very few options to intervene without risking serious casualties.
Further, Russia designed its nuclear weapons arsenal as absolute doomsday devices that rain up to 10 high-yield nuclear warheads down on targets at Mach 23 in a salvo that the US can't possibly hope to intercept.
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Ministry of Emergency Situations press service via AP
Russia Emergency Situations Ministry workers wearing biohazard suits.
The US has long relied on the doctrine of "mutually assured destruction" - that is, having a spread-out, autonomous, and effective nuclear arsenal that would return fire should another nuclear power attack - with the intent of deterring any nuclear attacks. But sources told The Journal that Moscow is now taking steps to ensure that 100% of its population would be sheltered from such an attack.
Far from matching Russia's aggressive nuclear posturing, the US has had its attentions elsewhere. The US's long-range bomber aircraft, the most visible deterrent of a nuclear arsenal, havemainly been stationed in the Pacific in response to North Korea's nuclear aggression.
Mikhail Gorbachev says 'it looks like the world is preparing for war'

Mikhail Gorbachev, pictured speaking during a ceremony to hand over three Russian paintings, talked of the nuclear disarmament of the 1980s

Mikhail Gorbachev, pictured speaking during a ceremony to hand over three Russian paintings, talked of the nuclear disarmament of the 1980s AFP/Getty
Mikhail Gorbachev has urged Vladimir Putin and Donald Trump to strongly denounce nuclear war in the face of the “militarisation of politics and the new arms race”.
The 85-year-old, who was the eighth and final leader of the Soviet Union and its Communist Party, said he believed it looked "as if the world is preparing for war”.
The Cold War-era politician responsible for glasnost made the comments in a piece for Time magazine ahead of Theresa May’s first meeting with Mr Trump today.

Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev at that landmark summit in November 1985
Ronald Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev at their landmark summit in November 1985 (AFP/Getty)
“The world today is overwhelmed with problems. Policymakers seem to be confused and at a loss,” he begins.
“But no problem is more urgent today than the militarisation of politics and the new arms race. Stopping and reversing this ruinous race must be our top priority.
“The current situation is too dangerous.”

The Russian-Ukrainian describes how troops, tanks and armoured personnel carriers are being brought to Europe.
He also writes about how Nato and Russian forces and weapons, once deployed at a distance, are now at “point-blank” range to one another.
The frequently vocal critic, once a sceptic of Boris Yeltsin’s presidency, also said state budgets were struggling to fund people’s essential social needs, but that military spending is growing.
He talks of submarines whose “single salvo” is capable of devastating half a continent.

Germany cheers 25 years since Berlin Wall's fall
“Politicians and military leaders sound increasingly belligerent and defence doctrines more dangerous,” said Mr Gorbachev.
“Commentators and TV personalities are joining the bellicose chorus. It all looks as if the world is preparing for war.”
Mr Gorbachev, who is credited with aiding the dissolution of the Soviet Union and the Cold War, played a part in nuclear disarmament in the 1980s.
Eighty per cent of nuclear weapons accumulated during the Cold War years have apparently been decommissioned and destroyed.

Mr Gorbachev also called for a repeat of the November 1985 summit between heand Ronald Reagan in Geneva, which concluded that "nuclear war cannot be won and must never be fought".
According to a BBC article, in September 2016, the US had 1,367 strategic nuclear warheads, Russia had 1,796 and the UK had 120.
“I think the initiative to adopt such a resolution should come from Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin – the Presidents of two nations that hold over 90 per cent of the world’s nuclear arsenals and therefore bear a special responsibility,” he said, before quoting President Franklin D Roosevelt.

“The time to decide and act is now.”
Mr Gorbachev’s comments follow two US congressmen submitting a bill restricting Mr Trump’s ability to launch a first nuclear strike, and details of a failed UK nuclear test.
Unconfirmed reports also say China has moved long-range missiles to the Russian border.