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RE: If Voting Changed Anything... - #PropagandaWatch
Voting will never change anything as there are no real alternative parties to vote for.
The only real choices we have are the puppets on all sides to who will do anything to fulfill the agenda's of the central banksters, eurocrats and major corporations.
I have never voted in my life as I could never trust a Po-LIE-tician!
LOVE your logo 👏 👍 😆
So do I, @surveyor1!
Only because it is true.
Have you ever experienced a world without any government? Without a vote. Can you visualize might gain some aspect of it if you look to the dictatorships and despotic and cruel dominace of past civilizations.
Ivan the Terrible
Nicolae Ceausescu
Idi Amin
Pol Pot
That the leaders of no government...go ahead, I dare you to bring down on yourself.
No @michaelburns, I have not been fortunate enough yet to experience that. Have you?
But I would love to see that happen!
Feel free to check out this video of a town of Mexico named Cherán. They literally threw out government and authorities which has reduced it's crime and corruption levels to almost none at all.
Would you say that
and many others have been there for the people?
I certainly would not!

You fail to tell the whole truth..
The town was a very corrupt town run by organized crime, politicians were bought...
The town, threw out it's government and now is self governing, in a direct form of DEMOCRACY.
The town as a whole, make the decisions of government of the town, they have a police which they control, they hold trials for crimes and breakage of law. They still have laws and, they make new ones, when they are needed.
They still listen to authorities on matters that are pertinent to the town.
That is not "No Governmemt, direct democracy is not no government.