in #wars7 years ago

The last Colombian year completed demonstrating once again the partiality of Santos's Government with employers, with whom did sheaf to impose a minimum wage clearly unfair and out of adjustment of the realities and needs of workers who earn lower wages. 

The monthly increase did not the 40 thousand pesos, less than a thousand three hundred pesos per day, supposedly justified with rigged inflation clearly rates. How it is tradition, the new year opens with hikes in commodities from the family shopping basket, fuels, that automatically trigger the prices, what contributes to the increase of the tariffs of tolls and parking. The string of increases follows his career all goods that require transport, to reach the destination of the consumer.  

 All the promises made by the Government, which would not have hikes, have been unfulfilled. Now, at the start of the new school day, parents will be once again blackmailed by the owners of the private schools, which prey on students with endless lists ranging from toilet paper to paint for the walls of the classroom. All with the permission of the Government, as it makes part of the "wonders of neo-liberalism" which made vile capitalist business education and health. We are in the second week of the new year and the clouds are over the heads of the Colombian people. All frightened by the global economic crisis, look at figures that give account that we are riding in one of the worst moments, where the poor and the deprived will take the brunt, since the big capitalists broken cast hand of public without asking their true owners reservations, and that it is said that we live in "Republics", where the true owners of the public should respect : Peoples. 

Already said that the unemployment rate, ending November last year, it rose to 10.8%, and also increased the unemployed, i.e. grew both at the same time. Now there are 236,000 new people that are looking for work and have not been able to find it, completing a total of 2.102.000 unemployed, this means that the production system is not able to assimilate the new labor force that arrives. On the other hand, is given a loss of 617.000 jobs in the year that passed, produced by cuts that, faced with the crisis, entrepreneurs from all economic sectors have done. 

This is a year where give us more of the same, but with massacres, extrajudicial executions, corruption, the expropriation of land, the refusal to repair the victims and stop counting. The alternative for workers with low wages, and for the unemployed, cannot again that fight organized the protest along with other workers, other sectors of society, affected by neoliberalism, the "guerrerismo" and the paramilitary, recessed mafia at the Palacio de Nariño, by applying the so-called "democratic security".


It's no secret, the role of puppet, Israel for the Middle East, playing that Palestinian genocide, is the work of the intellectual and material authors. United States sought the most treacherous juncture, because Bush will not be the President of USA. UU in one week and Obama has already declared that it is not the current President; Thus, cynically, the imperialists wash their hands in the world, with the blood of more than seven hundred dead and more than 3,000 wounded, children being the most affected population in every sense. Who will answer for this serious crime of war, Israel and United States Governments to justify with deceitful arguments that make it by going to the right to defend themselves? 

With pain the World hears the mesurado and soft language of the capitalist media, presenting far from condemning the brutal occupation, permissive attitudes that make them complicit, even referring to the horrific case of consecutive attacks on schools and other places, where the population protected by the UN, take refuge as well as to officials of the Agency. The double moral imperialist becomes evident, when it tops the persecution to peoples and their fighters, accusing them of being terrorists, at the time that resorts to terrorist practices against an unarmed and defenseless people and supports it, Israel Zionist army and the Government.

Whoever has a policy of respect and appreciation for peoples and human rights, not can only condemn in a forceful way, this type of practice, as serious damage have caused him and cause him to humanity. The mobilizations of popular in different countries, are a clear signs of solidarity with the brother Palestinian people, which only has as a weapon, the dignity to continue resisting the brutal "guerrerismo" of his neighbor, attended from North America.

Meanwhile the UN fails to stop the barbarity, because its Security Council is manipulated by US in the meantime the conflict extends south of the Lebanon. It is always necessary to specify, that no responsibility in these monstrous acts, lies with the American and Israeli peoples, they are also victims of those who impose them your domain and they be undoubtedly ashamed by the massacre. Peoples and consequential Governments of the world, nothing more worthy than solidarity against this barbarism, is today Palestine, who will be tomorrow?