Gaia’s Gift

in #water4 years ago


The short version of the story is right as soon as the plandemic started, Myself and 2 like-hearted Brothers Danny & Kyle put the thought seed down to be in service to water. That idea crystallized into The birthing of what û are looking at now:

“GAIAS GIFT” Bio-Photonics Water Bottles & Vortex Water.

Our Mission Is to encourage an enhanced relationship with not just the waters we drink and put into our own temple vessels, but also the rivers, lakes and oceans who are screaming for our attention. We plan to give back and support other eco-regenerative organizations who are stewarding our earth mothers resources as we feel called to do the same

*Bio-Photonic Glass is a precise recipe of glass that gives it light and sound properties. The ability to filter out certain wavelengths of UV Rays and The ability to hold the concentration of electrical charge for much longer durations of time (months years), Whereas regular glass slowly that charge rather instantly. Bio-Photonic glass holds and stores the energy and the information, Meaning whatever organic substance contained within Bio-Photonic glass allows life to be living radiating its electrical charge for much longer amounts of time.

*Vortex Charged Water simply means Mimicking natural processes like clouds, rain, snow, and rivers we mineralize Gaia's Gift Waters along river rocks absorbing essential minerals as the water pulsates around them. Gaia's Gift Waters are then reprogrammed against charged gemstones and Schauberger Vortex restructured to bring life and energy into this amazing water.
For Much much more information check out the book “Dancing With Water 2nd Edition”

*At GAIAS GIFT we are giving you the concept and choice of what specifically designed crystal column the vortex water gets run through for your personal benefit.
Look at it like as Menu of water that your choice is based off of how you are feeling in the current moments.
Are you in-tune with your waters?

*We Have also added a Bio-technology that separates us from most other Water Bottle Companies. Our very dear sistar and divine earth steward Giselle is making our Orgonite Pyramid Caps that screw onto the bottle. Providing added living energy and charge to the all-ready living Bio-Photonic Water Bottle.

Our Current Water Projects 🙌🏽🌈

  1. “Gaia’s Gift”- Miron Water Bottle’s and Vortex Water
  2. Major support with the star bro Zoe at “Peace Maker Jars”
  3. Nano Resonance- Another brother is Cleaning Rivers and big bodies of water with frequency devices

•At Gaia’s Gift We are now sourcing Bio-Photonic glass water bottles with Sacred Geometry that have Orgonite pyramid caps. Bio-Photonic Glass having properties that no other glasses has in filtering certain UV rays and being able to hold the electrical charge of water.

We have a 7 layer Water Vortex processing system moving thru several crystal layers programming beneficial Harmonic frequencies into water that our bodies directly respond to

•We’re also working with our brother Zoe “Peace Maker Jars,” in all the ways, Zoe has been making sacred geometry water bottles since before it was a thing. His designs are all original and talks about the connectedness of Geometry and Spirit Animal Totems.

•Our Brother ay Nano Resonance is literally cleaning mass water ways with frequency devices, his websites has documented scientific experiments using these processes to clean water.


The university of Washington observed that as soon as ‘applied sound’ was removed, The liquid crystal lean water network began to assemble. Frequencies in the experiential range led to the expansion of the ‘ordered water network’ by 5-6 ties its previous size. The theorized that Sound caused lotta money go to kilos to disassociate- Preparing the way for the development of a more organized water molecule matrix.

Hans Jenny a natural scientist and physician demonstrated how sound and vibration create form and structure which he calls ”Cymatics.” Audible frequencies were used to excite powders and liquids into life like images that vary from stationary patterns to those in continuous motion. Jenny’s work illustrated how nature uses chaos (breakdown) as a bridge to creation. Meaning with rising amplitude, or frequency, old patterns breakdown, making way for new patterns and more complex levels of organization.

All frequencies in the electromagnetic spectrum are related in octaves. The connection between math/golden ratio, plantonic & sacred geometry and frequency/ the principles of the flower of life all play same basic chord within the symphony of the natural world.

“The creative power.. is inherent in tone, and sound.”
