What watercolour painting can teach you about being kind to yourself

in #watercolour7 years ago


Watercolour painting is not easy, but often the things that are the most challenging can turn out to be some of our biggest teachers. Take this two toned value watercolour painting I created today, there were so many times during the painting process that I wanted to tear up the piece and start again, luckily I didn't as it taught me a few valuable lessons.

  1. Don't be so quick to judge yourself: So often we are quick to judge what we do, when in fact making mistakes is all part of the learning process and through practice, you become better at your craft and in turn more confident in your abilities.

  2. You have to start from somewhere: Even the greatest artist had to start from somewhere and spend hours honing her skills.

  3. Be kind to yourself: Kindness is often something we show others when commenting on other people’s work but it's soooo much harder to be kind to yourself. Congratulate yourself, you’re trying something new and that shouldn't be undervalued.

  4. Enjoy the process: Painting today although challenging was very soothing at times, I could see the potential start to grow as I filled in the detail and this brought me joy. Creating for the sake of creating was good enough for me.

I took some process photos to document each stage and how it all came together in the end.

What are your thoughts on the topic, I would love to hear them. Let me know in the comments section.

And lastly thanks for reading, I hope you have taken a little something from my post..... keep creating!!





Inspiration for today's watercolour comes from
