Do you want a customized WAVES address (e.g. with a specific term like your name/organization in it)?
Have a look at these 2 tools:
- from the examples section there: "... containing the word 'WAVE' (case insensitive)"
- e.g. which gives then such kind of WAVES address:
- the command line "
./wavesvanity -m ______________________________waves -c ___________________________"
- e.g. generates an address (e.g.
with the term WAVEs at end
You can then try to import your new address into e.g. the lite wallet.
Also, keep in mind such things:
- Use of vanitygen to try to attack addresses
- or that the 2 tools above are actually bug-free ;-) I didn't see a proof-section or so, so using them is at your own risk
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