Denver Drops 72 Degrees in 40 Hours, One of the Largest Temperature Swings on Record
From 69°F down to -3°F
Denver, Colorado - Home to breweries, stoners, a National Champion Football team... And oh yeah, crazy weather!
The "Mile High City" sits on the edge of the American Great Plains, tucked in the shadow of the rocky mountains, and is no stranger to extreme temperatures, but last weekend's plummet marked one of the largest swings in city history. In fact, the 72 degree drop tied for the 8th biggest swing ever noted in a period of two days or less.
Denver's local CBS affiliate reports here on the record-breaking weather.
Have a nice day my friend.
That's a huge drop!
It is definitely cold
That's a huge drop!
I lived there for over 20 years...Feb we get the Chinook wind from the south of the Gulf of Mexico and the temperature is in the 70's and 80's...walk around in shorts...then in March...winter again. I miss Colorado weather.
Get ready for the pole flip!