
I saw in the news of CNN that the biggest storm so far in 2018 is in Northeast which resulted in the death of five people, near three thousands fights were cancelled and more than 1 million people lost power. It sounds really bad.

That is very sad for you. :( But it comes up some good things from this. It looks like Norway. Is it? :D

New England, USA.

Wow is that much snow there? 😊

are you a Patriots fan like myself and @aggroed ? haha

I used to be a die hard 49's fan, but after Steve Young stopped playing I stopped watching football. Over the years I started to become a Pats fan so I can enjoy that with my son. I don't like Brady, think he is overrated as he runs like a penguin, but I love the team.

Haha! I loved Brady from watching him play at Michigan. Saw a star that would change the game. And he has! Nice to see ur another pats fan in the mix, i got to meet gronk once we’re the same height but he has like 20 lbs on me lol

Time to get some solar panels. A YMCA membership is always helpful. Shower, WiFi, ect..

Solar has really bad efficiency here, and not cost effective. Plus solar has a 20+ year break even and by then they need to be replaced. Unless you live in ideal conditions, they just are not practical. I'd kill for solar.

The place looks charming .. well done on the pictures
A cup of hot tea would be great
Thanks for sharing

that place would be very cold

You would be surprised, it was 64 degrees a week ago, and 24 degrees last night, and about -10 about a month ago. It's a really bad random number generator out here.

Just got power back, now waiting for the Internet.

Oh, I hope your problems are fixed now or getting at the moment..
I did not know there is such a big storm in the US at the moment, but allthough I have the say the snow looks really beatiful. I like the silence the snow radiates :)
I hope your fine! and at least have some water and heath in your house..
In these moments you can kind of imagine how lost we would be nowadays if civilasation collapsed..

I´m new here and try to get to know some people, have a look at my blog if you want to :)

I also guess power is back now.. or you´re posting from somewhere else? ;)

Was this worse for you than the windstorm we had in the fall?

Yeah, quite a bit and that one was bad. In that case, I'd say 75-80% of the town (and likely state) was without power. This case they said 90%.

Interesting, I had very little affect from this last snow storm, didn't even talk to anyone that had power outtages. Must have been very location dependent.

Weird, the lines aren't buried?

Some towns do underground wiring, I really wish they did here as this is a common occurrence. Most still use poles.

Wild, you'd think as they add cable and fibre they'd add power lines too

Cable and fiber are on the poles too lol. After they fix power we can call and wait for internet.