Ease and speed of finding the necessary information

in #web32 years ago


The widespread use of the Internet has changed society. Mankind has gained access to a huge database, which is constantly updated. Having the ability to connect to the Internet, a person can find the answer to a question of interest in seconds: from the weather forecast and train schedules to a collection of articles and photographs of rare publications. However, if at the very beginning of the 21st century only large companies and publishing houses could post information on the Internet, now everyone can publish a note on their page on a social network.

Freedom of speech is supported in social networks, forums and other Internet resources, so there are almost no restrictions on the publication of articles by law. Using the Internet for educational purposes, most operate according to the most simplified schemes, trying to reduce their efforts to a minimum. Why?

  1. Convenience and speed of finding the necessary information

  2. Unlimited amount of resources that you can use

  3. Ability to appeal to multiple sources

And all this leads to the fact that every day more and more questions arise about the quality of information resources placed in the public domain. The danger of many resources is that articles can be created and edited by any Internet users. And some authors, albeit unintentionally, publish false information and also rely on unreliable sources of information. Others deliberately, with the aim of misleading, sowing panic, influencing the human mind, post false information. Accordingly, instead of the information you are looking for, we can get a text with viral information. And for this, in order not to get lost in the labyrinths of the information space, you and I need to have clear guidelines.

And this is where the Exorde protocol can help. It will become the main tool for verifying information. Exorde is built around a core platform that provides unbiased credibility scores for information (and virality-related analytics) based on the community, AI modules, and a token-based economy.

Exorde uses an open source decentralized protocol to collect data from around the world. The project is based on the idea of ​​decentralization, which guarantees data neutrality and transparency. Exorde aims to extract and sell brand/cryptocurrency/share reputation scores based on what people say on social media.

Currently, the protocol can define the following relationship:

Neutral - Awareness - Confusion - Entertainment - Approval - Curiosity - Disapproval - Love - Annoyance - Caring - Gratitude - Surprise - Optimism - Nervousness - Admiration - Excitement - Joy - Desire - Disgust - Fear - Anger - Disappointment - Sadness - Embarrassment - Pride - Relief - Remorse - Grief.

Exorde receives input URLs for public information such as social media posts, press articles, photos, and videos. These URLs are then processed in a decentralized data pipeline that produces output graphs linking all similar data and facts. The analyzed content is stored in an archive that has open access, so any person can access the original information at any time and from anywhere in the world.

Exorde is run by its DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) and uses community votes and polls. Management will be decentralized among all members of the community. Collectively, they will be able to change the internal rules and parameters of the systems (rewards, limits, delays, scheduling, etc.) and will have a built-in reputation system. These mechanisms are designed to continually align the interests of the community and its governance for the benefit of Exorde.

Written by Bimevox
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