Exorde: Which Analytics Can You Trust?

in #web32 years ago


Today, on the Internet, you can find a huge number of various sites and articles that provide various information, directly or indirectly related to the analysis of the situation in various financial markets and exchanges, both international and domestic. Some sites specialize in analytics, others concentrate third-party analytics on their resource, and still others use analytical materials as an additional service to the main service.

Trading on the stock exchange is based on high-quality analytics, the reliability of which you can be sure of. Novice traders always have the question of where to get such information and how to work with it. There are a huge number of resources on the Internet that are positioned as providers of high-quality analytics, and choosing really useful ones from them is not an easy task.

In fact, you can find high-quality analytical reviews on the financial market in a variety of places. But in order to make sure that the information presented is trustworthy, you will either have to experience the consequences of decisions made on the basis of the studied analytics firsthand, or first monitor the percentage of predictions that have come true by the authors of various publications. Another option is to initially refer to proven analytical articles.

At the same time, the most important question remains: which analytics can be trusted? One of the systems for increasing the accuracy of the checked content is the Exorde system. Exorde is built around a core platform that provides unbiased credibility scores for information (and virality-related analytics) based on the community, AI modules, and a token-based economy.

This platform is decentralized, open and transparent. This is where participants will work together to index the entire network, extract its unstructured information, relationships, similarities, trends, and any type of pattern in information circulating throughout the internet, regardless of platform or media.

Exorde as a knowledge network can use the unstructured content of the Internet and perform a first-of-its-kind analysis of the virality of information circulating throughout the network.

Exorde is run by its DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization) and uses community votes and polls. Management will be decentralized among all members of the community. Collectively, they will be able to change the internal rules and parameters of the systems (rewards, limits, delays, scheduling, etc.) and will have a built-in reputation system. These mechanisms are designed to continually align the interests of the community and its governance for the benefit of Exorde.

The Exorde Work Systems are the core component and will serve as the base layer for the entire ecosystem. Exorde is based on four main parameters:

Ethereum is an open source platform that allows developers to create and deploy decentralized applications on it.

Skale is an elastic sidechain network connected to the Ethereum chain, acting as an execution layer. It is a scalable and elastic environment that provides high transaction throughput.

Filecoin is a decentralized data storage system that intends to replace the expensive and inefficient servers of Google and Amazon.

NLP is an artificial intelligence module that will work with unstructured text. AI will be able to recognize objects in the text, extract sentences, facts, compare them with each other and perform similarity checks.

Written by Bimevox
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P.S. For "detectives" from other resources. Before writing about plagiarism, compare the signature and nickname of the author. I have several platforms where I publish my articles.