When is it impossible to do without analytics?

in #web32 years ago


Today, with massive amounts of data surfacing the blockchain, leaders of many successful organizations see Data Science as a panacea for getting rid of all strategic and operational problems. And the data scientist is considered a universal soldier with silver bullets. And it turns out that the data analyst performs the role of a researcher - collects, studies and interprets information. He shares the received data with the business, thereby helping to make objective and correct decisions. Another important task of an analyst is to optimize data collection so that this system can then be used in other areas. Therefore, a data analyst solves problems in any industry: medicine, retail and online sales, education and other areas. It may be needed at different stages: from uploading complex data to studying user reactions to a new interface. When is it impossible to do without an analyst?

Conduct research. It can be any request related to the analysis of internal and external data. As a result of the study, anomalies are found and the customer receives feedback and can more competently approach the solution of certain issues.

Compare the benefits of different approaches. You can create a financial model to understand the profits of a service or product, evaluate the return on advertising, and make changes to the business model.

Analyze results. For example, you need to understand why users leave the site after adding products to the cart. This will help you choose a new business strategy.

Study user behavior. Which button will users respond to more actively - red or blue? To find out, conduct A / B testing.

We all understand in our rapidly changing world that what distinguishes a leading company from others is the effective use of customer data, expenses and income, risk management - all this is impossible without analytics. The biggest growth area in business is in the quality of managerial decisions. And analytics plays one of the main roles here. Companies that start collecting data earlier and optimize processes with it gain an advantage over competitors.

Exorde uses an open source decentralized protocol to collect data from around the world. The project is based on the idea of ​​decentralization, which guarantees data neutrality and transparency. Exorde aims to extract and sell brand/cryptocurrency/share reputation scores based on what people say on social media.

Exorde receives input URLs for public information such as social media posts, press articles, photos, and videos. These URLs are then processed in a decentralized data pipeline that produces output graphs linking all similar data and facts. The analyzed content is stored in an archive that has open access, so any person can access the original information at any time and from anywhere in the world.

The Exorde Work Systems are the core component and will serve as the base layer for the entire ecosystem. Exorde is based on four main parameters:

Ethereum is an open source platform that allows developers to create and deploy decentralized applications on it.

Skale is an elastic sidechain network connected to the Ethereum chain, acting as an execution layer. It is a scalable and elastic environment that provides high transaction throughput.

Filecoin is a decentralized data storage system that intends to replace the expensive and inefficient servers of Google and Amazon.

NLP is an artificial intelligence module that will work with unstructured text. AI will be able to recognize objects in the text, extract sentences, facts, compare them with each other and perform similarity checks.

Written by Bimevox
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