Bringing Modern Weapons to A Fantasy World Vol 4 Ch 4 Preview

in #webnovel5 years ago


Vol 4 Chapter 4 Preview

「Alright then…. are you ready to talk?」

Gathering inside the Village Chiefs home to listen to his story, Captain Kirishima had 2 guards posted outside so no one would interfere. Sitting in a chair inside his own home, the Village Chief exuded a burdened expression as Haruto and Suzumiya waited for his answer.

「……. Yes…. I’ll tell you everything」

He was the proud Chief of a small village, but against Haruto’s presence he felt smaller than ever, unsure if he should explain everything.

……These people…. They aren’t like those who came from the Empire, whose men always came to take away our food and even tried to lay their hands on our young girls.

No, I shouldn’t think like that, because these people actually gave their food to our people.

Which is why…. it should be fine…. I will gamble with these kindhearted people. I should come clean and tell them everything.

….. but once these people know our village’s secret, there’s also a chance their attitude towards us could change.

It would be really distasteful…. but if the worst case scenario were to happen and these people seek to harm us after learning our secret….… We’ll have to leave none alive..

―― Like that one time 9 years ago.

Contemplating deeply, the Village Chief made up his mind and decided to speak.

「……I guess it was impossible to keep hiding until now, so I’ll just tell you our village’s secret. ……Our village…. our people are descendants of a serpent race who lived on this land from long ago!」

Okay, so they’re descendants of an old serpent race…… a tribe of snakes…. Naga….no that’s not right. I mean they are kind of similar to Lamia, where they have human features, but they just look like normal humans.

Well they’re jaws can dislocate and expand widely like a snake, could that be these peoples special trait. They’re body can stretch similar to a snakes as well, I wonder…


Having decided to reveal his tribes secret, the Village Chief’s anxiety grew as he balled his hands into fists and laid it over his knees, looking downwards, expecting a negative reaction from those who he exposed the truth to.

「I see. Was there anything else?」


「Like a said, anything else you want to mention?」

「Oh, uh…… we are a tribe of snakemen…..」

「I know, you told me that already」

「You’re not going to kill us?」

「Why are we going to kill you people?」



What the? Is he misunderstanding something again?

With an awkward silence between them Captain Kirishima realized that the Village Chief had some kind of misunderstanding. To rectify things, unlike the Empire’s way of doing things, he had to explain that their country Parabellum, wouldn’t cause harm to any village of Beastman or Demon-kin without good reason.

「Ahh~…….That’s…..It’s good (that we didn’t kill you guys)…… what a relief… It’s our fault that we had such a misunderstanding. We truly believed the stories merchants would tell us, when they occasionally came by.

Saying that the Parabellum Military was merciless. We were so convinced by it, that we believed it was only a matter of time before beastmen and demon-kin were next. I’m truly sorry for our misunderstanding of all of this….」

「Ah it’s nothing, you really don’t have to worry about it. The way I see it it was just a common misunderstanding. But for a tribe of Snakemen…. I’m surprised you guys were able to live here while under the rule of the Alsace Empire」

「Ah well, the Coltrane Kingdom was very much like Canary’s Kingdom, where they didn’t persecute beastman or demon-kin, but 10 years ago that all changed when the Alsace Empire took over.

Our lives had changed, we could not live as freely as we once did, out of fear of being killed. But only the Empire’s Tax collectors would come to our remote village, so we managed to keep our beastial traits hidden and keep everything a secret. …… but a year after the Empire’s rule, the tax collectors which came, found out our villages secret, that our people are Snakemen.

At that time, our village men had given Empire’s tax collector and all his companions rounds of drinks and in their stupor we had engorged them all down, in order to prevent our secret from leaving our village.

Well after that, we were too full to even move and became lethargic for about three months. Hahaha~ what a memory」

…. … Damn, that’s pretty scary!!

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