5 Mistakes That Can Make Your Website Look UnprofessionalsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #website3 years ago (edited)


There is no denying the fact that your website represents your business to your online audience. Therefore, it is of utmost importance that you pay proper attention. From the design of your website to its content and its responsiveness, everything matters!

However, only a professional web design Dubai! at www.adwebstudio.com can help you create an exceptional website for the users because they have the right experience and skills for it. This explains why top businesses have the best and the most professional web design working for them. They know that their site matters!
Creating a website that no one can ever forget is one of the most challenging things, but it is important, too. Thus, you can’t simply overlook it. Today, we are here with some major mistakes that businesses often make with their websites that end up making them look unprofessional. So, read the content carefully and try avoiding such mistakes while designing a website for your business!
5 Mistakes That Can Make Your Website Look Unprofessional:
Now, let us discuss these mistakes in detail so that you can avoid them properly in your web design:

  1. Incorrect Template Use

Using free and pre-designed templates sure is a huge deal breaker. But at the same time, it can affect your site on a whole other level, especially; if you are using the template incorrectly.
For example, people often use templates that have no connection to their logo designs. The colors of the logo are opposite to the theme of the template, and it can create a very unprofessional look. You are supposed to customize the template according to your brand so that it looks relevant and connected.

  1. Dark Backgrounds

Look at all the famous websites around; Google, Forbes, and several others. You will find one similarity that they all use white backgrounds. This is the best tip you should use while designing your website.
A dark background is a risky game, and it can make or break your website. This is why when you don’t want to take up such risks, it is better to use a white background. White space can help draw the attention of your users, and you can make your focal point clearer.

  1. Several Calls To Action

One effective CTA placed on the right spot on your site is enough. You need to read this again and again because it is really important. Placing several calls to action on your website will just confuse your users, and you will end up distracting them from the main goal of your site.
This is the last thing you’d want. So, why place several CTAs when you know that no good will come out of it? You should focus on using one CTA and that should be designed perfectly if you want the results.

  1. Slow Speed Website

No matter how much we stress the fact that slow websites can ruin your online business, it is never going to be enough. If you are serious about your online audience, you have to make sure that your site’s loading speed is as optimal as possible.
Slow-speed websites are a big turn-off for the users, and the sooner you understand this, the better it will be for your business.

  1. Overcrowded Website

Here you need to get help from a professional web designer because he understands the importance of simple yet unique websites. Flashy images and overcrowded websites will just turn your customers away.
People don’t like that kind of design nowadays. Instead, they want simple and to the point websites where they can perform the action that they came for in the first place.

The Final Thoughts:

These are the five main mistakes that you should never make if you want your website to bring you the kind of revenue you want. If the online business matters to you, avoid these mistakes and give your best to the website design because that is what really matters! Moreover, it is also recommended that you should get in touch with a certified Web Design Company Dubai! if you want to create a stunning and flawless website for your business.