Wedding Bloopers To Make You Smile!

in #wedding6 years ago

Hi folks! Is there a wedding in the near future for you, a family member, or a friend? Well, please don’t let these hilarious wedding posts put you off!

A wedding is usually a grand event. However, even when people plan it down to the last detail, something inevitably goes wrong. Never fear – it’s usually the embarrassments and mix-ups that make most weddings truly unforgettable. Here are some of the most amusing things that happened on some newlyweds big days! We laughed like drains on the jewellery story. Let’s see which one will make you smile.

From Darla: “During our wedding ceremony, the moment came when our rings were brought to us and my husband put the ring on my finger first. Then with an elegant gesture, I took his ring from the box and began pushing it onto his finger. But it wouldn’t fit! It got to the knuckle, but it wouldn’t go any further! It was too small and I started panicking… Everyone was watching me trying to force a tiny ring onto his finger and with mounting desperation, I tried putting it on his pinkie! That didn’t work either! But with a handy miracle and one final rough push, I managed to squeeze it onto his third finger. Unfortunately, the cameraman managed to capture the whole struggle in glorious technicolour detail for our wedding movie!

From Jake: I’d always made fun of my friend because she’d married the same person three times. Yes – THREE times! Yet, here I am that in a week’s time, I’ll be getting married for the second time…. to my ex-wife!!!!

From Colleen: My best friend is getting married soon and while I was riding the bus recently, I began rehearsing the speech I intended to give at the wedding. Unfortunately, I ended up getting more than a little carried away ……
I can imagine that the other passengers on the bus must have seen me, a young woman staring out of a dim window, not a sound coming from her, but she’s clearly very emotional. Her lips are trembling and there are tears in her eyes. At the same time, she’s got such a goofy smile on her face! I only emerged from my idiotic stupor when a man sitting opposite of me asked if I was feeling okay…
I then looked around and saw everyone on the bus giving me funny looks for some reason! I only really understood why later….it turns out the final stop on that bus route is a mental hospital!

From Sheila: There were a lot of children at our wedding and they were all smartly dressed, well-behaved boys and girls. We chose two of them to carry the long train attached veil of my wedding dress. As my groom and I entered the hall for the registration ceremony, I suddenly felt that I couldn’t go any further forward: It was like some kind of huge weight holding me up!
The two little boys assigned to the special task of carrying my long veil had grabbed hold of it, and along with a third, had decided to pull me in the opposite direction! Suddenly, all the other children nearby also wanted to have a go! I had to laugh or I'd have cried!
When we finally got them off, I tried to walk forward again, but all the little “angels” jumped on my train it again and sat down! With their combined weight, I ended up slipping and falling flat on my back! So much for my beautiful dignified entrance!!

From Paul: When we were at my sister’s wedding and when the registrar said, “Do you, Jack, agree to…” the groom interrupted her and said, “I agree to anything because I love Anna….”. The only problem was, my sister’s name is Karen!!!!

From Maria: My friend was getting married and was the happiest girl in the world. She ran here and there for two whole months making all the arrangements. Practically everyone she knew was invited to the wedding, friends, relatives, acquaintances – even neighbours! She spent a ton of money and found herself a great big puffy wedding dress. Everything was worked out down to the tiniest detail and of course, she had a wonderful photographer lined up… The big day finally arrived and everything was set. Thank goodness!
But when she was leaving for the church, a wasp decided to give her a kiss as an extra wedding present! It stung her on her upper lip!
The result: A wedding featuring a bride with a huge puffy face, a skin rash from her allergic reaction, and eyes red with tears!
Thankfully, they’ve now been happily married for nearly 10 years.

From Caroline: When I was 5 years old, my mom bought me an incredibly beautiful ring, clip-on earrings, and a necklace. It didn’t matter that they were all made of plastic because I loved them. When I went to kindergarten that day, everyone was so in awe of me. One of the boys ‘proposed’ to me, and we were 'married' after lunch. Our ‘marriage’ didn’t last very long though…
A week later, my best friend arrived at kindergarten with metal jewelry that her mom had bought her. My love-crazed husband swiftly proposed to her as well!!!
Ha! I got my dastardly revenge by throwing my plastic jewelry at them during their wedding!

From Janine: I first learned the truth about men when we were in a rush to get to our friends’ wedding. We ran into the hall just at the moment the minister declared they were husband and wife. Awwww....
One little problem. We noticed it wasn’t the couple we were looking for! We then realised there was now nowhere for us to hide!
So to try and blend in unobtrusively, we sat down in the first row and had to bear witness to the rest of a wedding ceremony for two complete strangers. The bride and groom understandably both cast questioning glances at us.
As it turned out, our friends were next in line to be married in the same hall so obviously, we stayed for their ceremony as well.
However, noticing we were still in the same seats, and in front of everyone, the registrar asked us, “have you got a season ticket or something?”

From Anne: We wanted to release some beautiful doves at our wedding as symbol of our love.
However, when the moment came, instead of gracefully soaring into the sky, the birds decided to stay huddled together in their cage!
The cage was tipped over, the door turned downward and the cage was shaken. The poor doves fell out one by one but refused to fly off and instead sat on the ground. I’m sure they were sulking! My husband got into such a panic! He started shouting at them and waving his arms, but they just ran off to a different spot as if they were chickens. Apart from giggling my wedding shoes off, I didn’t know what to do!
However, the doves got their ultimate revenge when one of them flew onto my husband’s arm and relieved itself before he had time to get it off! Our guests were rolling about with laughter.
They say it’s bad luck if the birds refuse to fly away but that’s turned out to be absolute nonsense as we’re still happily married twelve years later!

From Fiona: On the eve of our wedding, my husband-to-be started questioning me about how many guys I’d been with before him. I ended up having to admit to him that he was my 10th. I was worried when I saw the serious look on his face and thought, ‘well, there goes the wedding’...

But then he said, almost without thinking, ‘I must be a real milestone for you!’ Flippin' MEN!!



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