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My lovely friend and fellow @alliance member @tattoodjay has a Wednesday Walk challenge, which I love to take part in. He encourages other Steemians to go out and take a short five minute walk, and to capture what they see.

I've started doing a brisk walk in the evenings (really hoping to turn these into runs, but we take it as it comes), and I thought to look out for some cool and interesting items to photograph.

You may or may not know, I live in the area of Cape Town that is nestled just under Table Mountain. It is extremely beautiful and green here, and it makes for an amazing (steep) walk. I have my route that I usually stick to, but tonight I wanted to push myself and go a few roads up. It gets really steep up there, and I started feeling like I was actually climbing up the mountain.

I turned into a road I had never walked before, just below the foot of the mountain. It was one of the quietest, lush and clearly wealthy roads I had ever been in.


I spotted this beautifully overgrown wall, looking like something out of the Secret Garden. But wait, that gate! I recognised it instantly. I had sold it to a client a few years back 😊


It is a antique (or rather Art Nouveau) gate from Argentina. Doesn't it look just perfect there?!?

I turned the corner and lo and behold! I found another house in the same road with a gate, and balustrading from my shop as well! Crazy!


I just loved the moroccan tiles they had paired with the gate, and I also loved how they left it to rust. It looks amazing!



The balustrading looks great against the aged concrete wall. I really loved this house.

I'd like to encourage you to take part in @tattoodjay's challenge, it's really fun!


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🌸Recommended Reading:🌸

Signature Glacier.1.JPGTravels With Connie #71 Signature Time - by @bigtom13
Went chillax at this local canal area in Bangkok :) by @waybeyondpadthai

I need to get in on these Wednesday walks. I love that you saw a gate you had sold. I sometimes miss that world of auctions and antiques, it was a fun place to work. Maybe next Wednesday I'll share my walk.

yes, PLEASE share your walk! I wanna see where you live 😃

I also love seeing my items implemented in the real world. It's so cool

Awesome! But you know what this means? You’re going to have to push yourself even harder to go down other new streets. Who knows what you’ll find...

hehe! truth! 🤪

That is just too cool on about 3 levels. One, that you are going for a brisk walk every night and thought about Wednesday Walk (I always think about it when I"m back)

2: That you went down an entirely new street and found not one, but two gates that you had sold. Amazing.

3: That you recognized 'your' gates really says something special about your involvement in the business. I can see why they love you there.

Thanks for the look at your 'hood.

i live in such a beautiful place that often I have to stop and take a photo, it's too lovely to not.

We are the only place in the country that sells these type of antique gates, so when I see them, I instantly recognise them

How cool coming across the gate you had sold :) and looks like such an interesting area for a walk thanks for taking us along with you :)

thanks for joining Wednesday Walk tip!

it is so beautiful up there. Feels like you are in a forest.

It's a pleasure. I love Wednesday Walk!

You showed us how beautiful it is, :)

That gate looks like the entrance into a magical realm!

totally! completely Narnia-esque

Hi @princessmewmew! You have received 0.1 SBD tip from @tattoodjay!

Check out @tattoodjay blog here and follow if you like the content :)

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Hey Dear Princess of SA.
It's really new opportunity to find new and interesting sorry I missed to post anything related to this maybe something beautiful is waiting for...

God bless you dear Mam.

ah, you should definitely take part in Wednesday Walk! It is fun!