The Legalization Of Cannabis Is Bullshit

in #weed7 years ago

The Legalization of Cannabis is Bullshit

Across many western countries there's a push to end the decade long prohibition of marijuana millions of people are finally waking up to the true reality of this natural medicine. Now I honestly believe that these people have the best intentions, to move past your cognitive dissonance and accept a truth that you been programed to ignore is a respectable trait. With that said I don’t write this piece to piss on the work of many hard working activists I instead wish to point out a sad fact of the current paradigm as it pertains to Cannabis legalization and other subjects.

IF YOU HAVE TO ASK PERMISSION TO DO SOMETHING THAT DOESN'T HURT ANYONE FROM PEOPLE YOU'VE NEVER MET THAT IN MANY CASES WORK HUNDREDS OF MILES AWAY FROM YOU, THAN YOU ARE NOTHING MORE THAN A SLAVE! Yes you are a slave, If America was truly the land of the free it would not take millions of dollars and decades of violence and suffering to smoke a goddamn joint. Are you not a independent human capable of making your own health decisions? You're fully capable of chugging soda and eating garbage, smoking tobacco and drinking alcohol why aren't you able to do something that humans have been using for thousands of years WITH NO OVERDOSE? Well’ I speak for myself when I say that yes! I am a person I can choose what goes into my body! The main point for this entire article is that quite frankly IT DOESN'T FUCKIN MATTER! I you wanna smoke weed or drink or snort coke fuckin do it man. Freedom is right there all you have to do is take it.
drug_war_paul_helfinstein_picasa.jpg People who are working very hard to make cannabis legal have the right attitude fighting the wrong problem. Every day more and more people are realizing that cannabis is an amazing plant and they don’t want to be thrown in a cage for enjoying this wonderful plant. The problem is that they are going about it the wrong way. By protesting and practically begging the law makers to to legalize it all you are doing is giving them power. No one asks the government if they can eat dinner or go to sleep ( Though these are about the only to thing americans can do that aren't taxed or regulated) no you just do it. So why not drugs? Now most people do they but it from the black market and hide it and smoke it in secret. Why not just stop there? The government literally cannot physically stop you from using it why do you beg and plead for their blessing? Granted it’s better if the cops aren't hunting you down trying to arrest you, of course. But, when you keep asking politicians for drug legalization you’re giving them the power to choose for you. They’ve already given themselves the power to choose for you but when you do something despite their wishes you’re taking your own life back. It’s like a kid in school asking permission to go to the bathroom. You have to ask because you don’t own your own body the teacher does. If every kid just went whenever they needed to go, sure they wouldn’t get the quality indoctrination they “need” but no one could stop them. It’s the same for drugs or really for anything. Look if you want to be free, and I don’t mean the bullshit blue lives matter type freedom I mean genuine self ownership freedom, than just do it. It’s your body man what's stopping you? Instead of protesting and asking to make cannabis legal or really any drugs just do them. And of course when the government tries to suppress your self ownership they’re going to suddenly realize that their time in power is soon running out. At this point I could really be talking about anything. Guns? The government could completely ban all guns, but in reality who cares? They simply cannot take away everyone's guns. Free speech? Just say whatever it is you want to say and if someone tries to stop you well they’re gonna have to sew your mouthing shut aren’t they?
To wrap this all up I think it’s a good idea to just say that government is an abstract idea, they are just thousands of people, just people. They have their own issues their own story and none of them know what the fuck they're doing so if your gonna do something that isn't gonna hurt anyone. Just do it, go ahead you bought the weed smoke it. Who cares what the law says.

Your comments are always welcomed and greatly appreciated. If you have a differing opinion or share the same belief let me know. I will be releasing a new series about the many other failures of the US government soon so stay tuned. With that being said thank you for your time! And, as always ladies and gentlemen PEACE.


the purpose of activist is to get in trouble for doing whatever we want (as in drugs) yea we can do whatever we want and i freely do it, not caring about the law but the point is the law is still there and if i get caught, my "freedom" is then lost. they trying to fight against that factor

I understand that and I do respect that . I'm more or less speaking to the people that are waiting till it's legal or say they don't smoke or use cannabis because of it's legal nature. Thank you for commenting


hahaha the one and only DEVILS LETTUCE!

If I wanna smoke it I will (and frankly I don't because I'm such a bloody lightweight I can barely move after one toke, I shit you not it's pathetic). But for me I think it's more about the people who need it for medical reasons that may not have access.

I read about old ladies growing it in my country for their friends for medical reasons. Much of our police force turns a blind eye to it, but it's a lottery depending on where you are and I think it's crazy that some 70 year old woman could be chucked in the slammer for dealing. Plus lots of these people who may be elderly or have kids may have no contacts to get it and not enough know how to use the deep web.To me that's why legalisation is important. Not because I give a damn myself what the govt. says, but for the sake of vulnerable people who might get shafted as a result.