The story of a weed smoker ( the money)

in #weed8 years ago

Hello steemian's,

Let me introduce myself a little before i tell my story.
I am past 30, feeling maby 26 and live in holland in a normal size city. Good education and used to have oke paying jobs.

Here you see a little picture of me.

All i am about to tell you, are experiences of me, of my life and friend's who i had. The purpose of this story is to first of all get the story out and second hoop too save some souls with it too.

It all started at a pretty young age around 14 to 15 years old, in the neighborhood there where some older kids that smoked ciggy's. Offcourse i knew a few of them and the sometimes offered me a cigarette, and before i knew it i was smoking them, on school and with friends out, stuff like that.

In holland weed is very common and also legal to get, if age is above 18. There was a huge black market of it too, no parent knew that and we where starting to smoke that too when on school and when we went out. age was around 16 when this all became a habit. I started smoking weed like every week then. it became more and more, i smoked everyday weed when i was about 17 or 18, cant really remember. at that time the cost where like maby 3 dollar for a 0,5 grams joint. and i smoked at least 3 a day.

Not that it all really mattered too me because i had a good job, was going to school, getting good numbers and had friends. I even went on vacation twice a year.

But after like smoking weed for 10 years + everyday, except for business trips and vacation , i sometimes wonder how it would be if i had saved the money. Probably a very very nice car.
The point is after so long, i still have the urge to smoke and its getting worse because i have no job atm. i dont even get that stoned as i did of it. Maby after smoking like 60 dollars in one go i get the feeling, like i did the first few times.

The addiction will really hit you at the times like this, all i think now is how to get my smoke without getting debts and stuff.
So you start eating less expensive or just bread the last week of the month just to get your smoke and belief me after so long 1 joint is not enough anymore.

So people please look out of this stuff, it will drain your wallet empty, alot of my friend became very paranoid and had to stop smoking it. i do also sometimes notice the paranoid but it seems that my mind is way more powerful than the drugs. (i did a lot to try them out, also the more unknown stuff like ayahausca)

There are off course also a lot of positive points of smoking weed but that is going to be a other post.

Best wises and good luck,
Slossie Gogem

PS let me know if i should make a post of the positive things of weed, or maby other experiences people wanna know about?!


It was a habit, habitual things aren't necessarily, bad, they don't control you, you simply do them without thinking or paying attention to them, you don't fiend for them, you don't crave for habits, they are automatic and not stress inducing.

What you did was stepped off from oral fixation/habit to dependence. You did what many people do, they replace their normal self sustaining brain juices with exterior juices...

Now you need release. Release cannot come from within because you have divorced that part of your system and married to the external.

Many will chant moderation right about now, and you might be thinking that it doesn't really control you.

But, if you take a hard look it cannot be any other way, there is only this new marriage now, and divorcing it is not an option.

That is control, when you cannot, you are controlled.

To be free you must go through pain, and the pain is what controls you.

Embrace the pain, wholeheartedly, embrace it as you would a new wife, embrace it so much that you invite it EVERYWHERE, you create every possible situation just to have some of that pain.

Embrace the pain.

I can tell you everything there is to know about weed.
I lived in the WEED capital of the world, not amsterdam, Ukiah California, I was a weed king making money like no other, I have a seller who owes me 20k cash, and it's all cool, I don't sweat it and we are on great terms. I grew hydroponically, then aeroponically, I invented my own wattercooled 1000w hps lights. I smoked and sold hash that was ranked number one at the hash bowl in Mendo county, meet the man who created girl scout cookies, I literally spent 3 years of my life living a dream, so don't think for one moment that what I said about embracing the pain is from some ditz who never tried weed. I took lsd, pure lsd, lsd again and again, lizard skin, shrooms, never did DMT, and before all of this I had out of body experiences from meditating, had went through fire and watched my voice burn, then I was hit with a train of ecstasy, and then another successive one increasing in magnitude exponentially, and again and again until it was daytime, it felt like 5 minutes but meditation is a motherfucker. I was called the most enlightened by rank (lol) in a group of people that were enlightenment outcasts, I helped others go through such experiences, even my wife.

Embrace the pain, and you will win this game.

Thanks!! love your knowledge

wow you seemed to enjoy it smoke

Yes i do like it still!