8 Ways to Lose Weight Quickly and Effectively

in #weigh2 years ago

8 Ways to Lose Weight Quickly and Effectively

Losing weight can be difficult and seemingly impossible if you don’t know what you’re doing. Fortunately, if you follow these eight steps, you’ll be well on your way to losing weight quickly and effectively.

  1. Fad Diets Don’t Work
    Sure, they might help you lose a few pounds initially. However, these extreme diets aren’t sustainable in the long term, which often leads people right back to their unhealthy eating habits. Ultimately, not only are fad diets harmful because they can lead to health issues like diabetes, but they’re also emotionally damaging when you inevitably gain weight back after dropping all that weight. So stay away from fad diets!

  2. Start with Exercise
    Exercise is one of your most powerful allies when it comes to weight loss. Aim for at least 20 minutes of exercise a day. You can break that up into two or three sessions if you find it easier, but try not to miss out on any workouts all together! Stay on top of your exercise routine by setting an alarm or scheduling reminders in your phone so you don’t forget.

  3. Whole foods are more filling
    High-fiber foods keep you fuller for longer, which means you’ll consume fewer calories than if you opt for low-fiber snacks. At least three servings of fruits and vegetables are required each day for a healthy diet, but many of us don’t come close. When deciding between one piece of fruit or a small bag of chips, it’s easy to see how we can get off track.

  4. Eat more frequently
    Studies show that eating small meals frequently, such as every three hours, curbs your appetite and reduces your overall intake of calories. Not only that, but by keeping blood sugar levels steady throughout the day, you’ll avoid energy spikes and crashes that often cause weight gain. Aim for a bowl of oatmeal topped with sliced banana in the morning or a turkey sandwich on whole-wheat bread with an apple at lunch.

  5. Drink more water
    According to nutritionist Dr. Sari Greaves, drinking water before a meal can help curb unhealthy cravings for salt, sugar, fats and oils. If you don’t like plain water on its own, try adding slices of fruit or some fresh mint into your glass. Keep a pitcher of water in your fridge or have a refillable bottle nearby so you remember to drink up every time you pass it. You can also add some zing by using lemon juice in your H20!

  6. Understand Your Diet Better
    While your diet obviously has a huge impact on your weight loss journey, it’s also important that you know how certain foods are going to affect you. Everyone is different, but there are some general rules of thumb that can help make things a little easier for you as you start out. High-sugar fruits like pineapple, pears, bananas and mangos should be eaten sparingly—and only when they’re fresh. The reason for eating these at all is because of their vitamin C content.

  7. Stay away from junk food
    The word junk is a sure sign that you should stay away from it. When trying to lose weight, make sure that what you eat is healthy and nutritious. If you keep your diet full of junk food, it will be hard for you to find success in losing weight. Instead, focus on fresh fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds and other foods packed with nutrients instead of empty calories.

  8. Get Plenty of Sleep
    You probably know that getting enough sleep is important, but it’s actually one of your most effective weapons against weight gain. A single hour of lost sleep can lead to an increase in hunger levels by 20% for 24 hours; similar increases have been observed following simple reductions in sleep quality. Getting 7-9 hours a night will do wonders for your body fat percentage.
