Weight Loss, Promoting Fitness With Your Blurred Images

in #weight3 years ago


The second part of Burris MIND / FITNESS is your blank photos. I will explain how you can turn your subconscious images into beautiful images with a controlled visual experience. According to the New England Journal of Medicine, hallucinations are the fourth most widely used alternative. Now you are going to learn how to change your existing photos that keep you from sticking to your bad behaviour. Several studies have shown that the body makes little difference between explicit mental and physical experiences.

Your blank photos are the accompanying images of your own speech. Choosing to think in pictures may seem strange at first, but it is a powerful way to break the conversation in your head and a real source of communication with your empty mind. It's incredibly easy to make your own weight loss image. With regular practice you will become more at ease in the depths of your imagination. Think of it as a positive daydream. Most people don’t realize that there is always an image that goes with their thoughts or self-expression; the fact is that they happen so fast that you can't.


If you did not use pictures, you would not be able to answer the simple question. Think about it. If I were to ask you: “Did you have breakfast this morning?” You immediately repeat my question to you which causes a mental picture of what you ate during the morning. Only after you have activated this image will you be able to answer my question. You will find that your subconscious clearly defines your images from the questions rather than the statements. For example, tell yourself that the body is at rest. You can see this with little or no effect. Now turn this statement into a question: What should I do to relax? The subconscious will now produce an active image.

For example, you may find yourself relaxing in your favourite chair or bathing in warm, cool water or perhaps even getting a massage. You can see the hands of a masseuse specialist who effectively alleviate your body tension. You can feel amazing as your body begins to relax and you feel like you are floating in the air. Now I am sure you understand the power of imagination and how you can use your questions to accomplish it. The most important picture you will ever change in your mind is less knowing the current image of your body or how you see your image. All people with weight problems have accepted their image as being overweight. Until you change this image, your little mind will use this existing body image as a guide on how you should look. That’s why it’s important to change the image you have of yourself before you start a weight loss program. I'll talk about how to change your empty photos in my next article, Changing Your Photos Under Loss Weight Loss.

No matter what the weather is your health goal is to change your diet to lose weight, increase your fitness program or control an eating disorder such as anorexia or bulimia. Finally the question you need to ask yourself is… Am I completely happy with the idea of ​​running it or should I control it? If your answer is that I need to control it, Burris MIND / FITNESS is the answer. The health of your body depends on your mental health and controlling the subconscious is the key to a permanent change of any behaviour.