Colour Therapy- 10 things you should know about chromotherapy

in #wellbeing4 years ago

I love colour and over the years I have found myself gravitating to different colours when faces certain challenges and obstacles.

Why? Well ...

Colour therapy is not a new thing. It goes waaaay back to when Cleopatra would bathe in milk, clicking her fingers for her servants to attend her every whim. Yes ... right back to the Egyptians. Egyptians would use coloured light therapy, as an example, to promote healing. A popular way would be to use stain glass windows.

Another name for this alternative type of therapy is chromotherapy.

The idea is that every colour has a healing benefit. Whether it is physical healing, spiritual, or mindful and can tell us alot of our mindset and wellbeing.

To start to understand the meaning of colour, you would need to understand that it all starts with RED and BLUE.

Hot and Cold - But lets hold this thought for a moment.

Lets go a step further into the theory of colour and to understand the colour spectrum and how colour therapy works. The list below will show important factors to understand.

There are only 7 colours on the light spectrum that we can see (unless you are a Mantis shrimp, or other creature with more colour receptives)

  1. Red is at one end of the spectrum, violet is at the other.

  2. The seven colours are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet.

  3. The primary colours are red, yellow and green. These colours create the secondary colours.

  4. Black creates shade, white creates tint.

  5. White reflects colour

  6. Black absorbs colour

  7. There are different methods of colour therapy including:
    Immersion ( Light, bath salts etc)

  8. Intention (Mindfulness, distance healing and clothing choices)
    Physical ( Crystals and Chakra balancing)

  9. Having a dislike for a colour can have a meaning as well being drawn to a colour.

  10. Being drawn to a colour can show your personality, hopes and fears.

Ok ... now you have read the above, lets go back to red and blue. These colours are important because red-yellow are warm colours - blue to violet are cold. Green is a neutral colour. Probably why it represents peace.

An example of how it works.

Use RED to stimulate low blood pressure
Use BLUE to reduce high blood pressure

Do you get my drift? All colours have different meanings and I have created a basic chart below to give a little bit of an understanding.

I hope this has helped as an introductory post. will come back with more examples. If you have any questions please drop a comment.

Have a great day!
