⏺10,000 hours for mastery..

in #welovesteemit7 years ago (edited)


It is said to be a common number that it takes around 10,000 hours to become an expert in any field. What's my opinion?

I very well believe that stands true.

In my previous post I spoke about 'Shiny Object Syndrome' and how people change their minds to often, before being able to actually achieve anything substantial in any specific field. I used to be a big victim of this, until my mentor taught me the power of 10,000 hours.

shiny object syndrome.jpg
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Most people will find a cool new idea, and spend 500 hours just focusing on that one thing. They will see substantial results in those first 500 hours. This is the foundation stage. They will feel motivated, and attempt at the next 500 hours, but this time not achieving as much satisfaction and the first round. What happens then, is they start to feel unaccomplished, and start getting bored. This then causes them to be attracted to new ideas, until eventually they just give up and move on.

This cycle always tends to repeat itself.

Most people cannot even succeed past 1000 hours..

Unfortunately, the world we live in today lives off of instant gratification. People want results to happen FAR too quickly. People are impatient. Do you not agree that if you were to spend 10,000 hours doing the same thing, day-in and day-out, that you will eventually achieve some results?

I want to keep my content simple. Short and sweet, but enough to learn.

I see people new to a concept, who are complaining that they haven't achieved the same results as others who have been doing the same thing for years. Strong example of this could be some Minnows on Steemit. Coming to the platform, and after 1 week they are upset because no one is seeing their posts.. Yet if you assess the situation, and ask them how many people they are engaging with on a daily basis, they don't have much to say.

Put in the work! :) Your results will come to persistence and consistent daily action.


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You are a legend brother! :D I have posted newer ones too :)

He is my legend bro my best friend

Best legendddddd

What you're saying is very true. When you get interested in something the first 500 hours might be easy, but to achieve 10 000 hours takes real dedication. I also fall for this often. I'll spend a lot of time investigating things but after hundreds of hours I get bored and move onto something else.

There are things I stick to also, so I don't necessary see it as a bad thing. It is good that one is able to get motivated on something for hundreds of hours, because you get a chance to see if it is for you. If you're never motivated you won't know.

I'm slightly afraid I'll loose interest in steemit at some point as has happened with many other things in the past, but it gives me hope that I see true potential with steemit and don't want to give up on it. But sometimes you just sort of drift away from interesting things. Anyway, I'm really active at the moment so no problem currently.

Lovely comment @wealthy-easily.

It's true, and I like your outlook in the second paragraph! :) That's one way to keep this positive. So many people have a ton of underutilized talents and skills, often times they didn't even know that they had!

The nice thing about this platform is you get attached very easily. This is great for staying consistent as it's so addictive. Also, because of the fact that to make it on social media, it requires you to build relationships, you will have built a ton of longer-term 'assets' if you want to look at it like that :P

Thanks for stopping by. Nice seeing you again. Talk soon.

What do you think? How many for mastery here? :)

I won't try and out numbers I can't be totally accurate about.. But I will say that if you spend 10,000 hours on Steemit, you will definitely know what you are doing. On top of that, if you are consistently trying to improve yourself, you are purely setting yourself up for major success! :)

NYCE! this is a great post, @enazwahsdarb. Staying focused for 10,000 can be hard; it's like a second job!

One thing that @wealthy-easily mentioned that I've come across before (and we discussed in your post about 'Shiny Object Syndrome') is that it can be so tempting to become distracted and lose interest.

One way I've been able to stay on task is to write-up a list of things I want to learn/explore/try-out on whatever my topic "du-jour" is WHILE I'M SUPER INSPIRED. then, when my attention starts to wane, I look at the list, see what I've done compared to the remaining items . I evaluate if I'm still interested in those remaining items (I usually am) and my focus is renewed 80% of the time.

Awesome comment :) 10,000 hours of focus will take some persistence. I agree it can be hard.

That's a great method you got there. It ties really well around goal-setting in general. When making a goal, you should always write it down, because a lot of the time people just get distracted, so having the list to recall to is vital.

I find the same to be effective when it comes to daily activities. It really is powerful to make a list of your daily tasks in the morning, as it will keep you on your edge the entire day!

Very valid points :) Thanks for stopping by @Jannell!

Hard work is good, but smart work can be better. Or, maybe I should say "working smartly". Commenting is a great way to be seen and make contacts.

I don't know that this post falls under the culturevulture category, but it's a good post. I'd consider using advice, life, blog, and motivation as tags as well.

So true. There's a saying that goes, 'If you motivate and idiot, all you will have is a motivated idiot', that also ties into working smart versus spending 10,000 hours on random things.. :)

So sorry about the tag situation.. My bad! :) Thanks for stopping by regardless!

Sure. I enjoyed the read.

I'm super tired and going to bed now. However, I've upvoted and re-steemed to get back to your post tomorrow. I also know the 10, 000 rule. Saw your last posts as well, seems like we have some common interests. Sorry for the fluff, enjoy a great Sunday! :)

That was very nice of you! Thanks a bunch. I appreciate the 'fluff' so no worries :) Talk soon! I also just posted my latest post, so you can do 2-in-1 when you wake up :)

Will do so @enazwahsdarb. Thanks for replying :)

congrats that's incredible keep on posting ;)

Thank you my man :) I definitely will do!

Again great post and all the right tools :0)
I give u a thumbs up....and a gold star upvote slipped in too

Thank you my friend :) I gave you a few upvotes on your latest posts too. Talk soon.

Thank u :0)

Eh Zane, happy to see a fellow here, who's aware what's the price of success in any field. Keep being persistent! I'll be checking your other posts as well, since all the subjects you write about are things that I'm excited for.

Thanks my dude! Yeah, I realized there's no real use in beating around the bush on one's actions.. It will only negatively impact a person's results.

Work hard, play hard :) It still doesn't feel like I'm giving it my all though to be honest.. I really want to pick things up.

It's awesome to see that people are enjoying my content even from the previous posts. Really great to hear. Talk soon my man!

Talk soon, and take a reasonable amount of rest as well. Would be curious to learn more about your morning routines and productivity secrets as well.

I'll rest when I'm at the top :) Right now, gotta grind!

Yep, I just don't have time even to eat or sleep... but some productivity guys mention it as a key thing next to all other important stuff.

Yeah no, I was only kidding haha :P It's just something funny that I hear a lot in those motivational videos :)

Of course sleep is important! I would say 6 hours is enough.

6-7 hours.. yeah. Ah, those motivational videos I've been watching them for hours. Sometimes they are helpful.. but they are often just time wasters :P

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