in #westafrica4 years ago


"Yes, I've made my mistakes; But listen and understand; My mistakes are not worse than yours, Just because I'm a woman."

These are lines from one of Dolly Parton's hit tracks "Just because I'm a woman". It's a reminder that despite the fact that she is a woman, she is not worse than some men.

This perception from a supposed weaker vessel, by man's measurement is very common especially in a jingoistic society, men-dominated entity and chauvinistic enclave like ours.

Ours is a society that women have become the endangered species. Men have taken undue advantage of their perceived evanescent, nebulous, diaphanous and brittle nature to depredate, ravage and strip them of dignity and life, and in most times, in the most bizarrest of ways. Is it because she is a woman?

The story of Vera, a female microbiology student of the University of Benin who was found lying in the pool of blood after being raped the Church is just one of the numerous assaults that some irresponsible men launch on women. It is not different from that of a 6 year -old, Oluwatosin who is currently receiving treatment at a hospital in Ondo after being ravished by a man. It is not also different from a three year old girl who was raped by a 44 year-old neighbor in Port Harcourt. What about a woman in her late 30s said to have been kidnapped while sleeping with her husband and child? Her abductors took her to a dense forest where she was raped EVERYDAY until a ransom was paid. The list goes on and on, to the point that some persons feel it's normal.


In Rivers State alone in 2012, The Center for Environment, Human Rights and Development reported that 1,200 girls were raped. How many perpetrators in the cases mentioned above were brought to book? This is the society we have found ourselves in.

Instead, society will always blame their femininity, accuse her of being so beautiful in a way that defies resistance, ridicule the woman for having bigger boobs, condemn their femininity, drink additional bottles and claimed that serves her right, and shamelessly pour all the blames on her for being raped. Is it because she is a woman?

Rape amplifies the animal tendencies of some men, their heartlessness, domineering spirit, their demon, brutal nature, oppressing, suppressing and tyrannical nature of man. It shows how decayed humanity has become, a society suffering from poverty of love and compassion. It shows man's hatefulness and failure to protect women whom God created us to protect. Instead of offering the needed security, we are"eating" them, making a woman an endangered species.


When you rape a woman, you kill her spirit, wound her soul and destroy her body. When a woman is raped, her womanhood is endangered, her pride, strength, sapience and dignity are despoiled.

While I do not condone indecent dressing, but is there any justification for raping a woman? Wherever a woman turns to, her femininity is at risk. Cases of date rape, gang rape, incest rape, prison rape, acquaintance rape, war rape, and the latest one church rape abound. Is the woman actually safe? Why are men exploiting their vulnerability, and the church people will not even help matters. What a world? They rape you and blame you for being raped.

Men have not only exploited their sexuality, they have equally raped their rights, positions, dignity, and opinions, because we are living in a man's world. We make them feel that they are only good for supplementary roles, and mock men who are working directly under them in the office. Is it because she is a woman?

We often shout them into silence and force them to apologize even when we are at fault. We make them feel they don't have a say in life, and should only enjoy the blissfulness of life as we so measure to them, and nothing more. If they attempt to be more successful, we become critical, query their ingenuity, doubt their exploits and tag it to their expertise in sexual economics. Is it because she is a woman?

We play down on a woman's leadership capacity, wit, astuteness, brain power and intelligence, unless they prove their sexual intelligence. Those that have been involved in pageantry or politics can attest to what they go through in the hands of men, even when they have merited it. The ones that would defend their pride would be tagged arrogant, proud, insulting and abusive. Is it because she is a woman?

We got it all wrong. Women's forceful defilement, and exploitation should be condemned by all. Quite ironical, those that should condemn it, make legislation and enforced same, are the ones soaked in this mess.

What are the myriad of security agencies we brag of doing? When a "big man" is involved, they beat and molest the woman into silence and threaten to rain down hell. Is it because she is a woman?

Men are not that vulnerable, if you ask me. Most of the victims are women. UNICEF reported in 2015 that in Nigeria, one in four girls is a victim of rape before she clocks 18. Any woman can be a victim. We have mothers, sisters, and daughters. Let us fight for them.

Society should rise and defend the woman. There is no justification for rape and feminine exploitation. It is a crime against God and humanity. Why should I suffer because of my gender? Is it my fault that I am a woman?

Say NO to rape.
Say NO to abuse.
Dedicated to my mother, my humble self, my "unborn daughters" and Every woman out there".


Rape has become an issue of major concern lately...

'cause it's now being looked at as a lifestyle...

Many are crying cause they can't even voice out their pains for fear of stigmatization...
