Hello Whaleshares and nice to see you again Steemit!

Well well well! Hello and good morning Legends!

Today is the day I have decided to reignite my career as a gung ho semi-professional writer, general internet fiend and all-round treehouse enthusiast. Although my steemit storyline has been somewhat slow the last few months, an introduction to the whaleshare community has reminded me of that special time when I first began writing back in 2017. When all I had in my hand was a half filled fountain pen, a clean stroke pad and a can do attitude (all of this is meant in a metaphorical sense), the magic really was happening.

But alas, the highs and lows of steemit payouts, the old case of writers block and just life in general slowed things down. I noticed a lack of motivation and creativity, forcing pen to paper (once again metaphorical) for a few steem dollars and by the end of June was pretty much done.

The craziest thing about this is that realistically, and ive known this for a while; a second is never lost in patience and nobody gives a shit about excuses. So here is the return of that awareness, the realisation, and the froth!


Who am I?

Without falling down a deep philosophical mine shaft, the simple answer to this is that 'I' am a bloke from the UK who is now residing in Amsterdam. There are various reasons why i currently live here, but probably the biggest thing to highlight is that i just love zooming around on my bike. I have this knack of somewhat almost gliding into unsuspecting tourists as they cross the cycle path without looking. Yet, although this opportunity presents itself on a near daily basis, I have managed so far not to physically impale myself into anyone, or anything.


Before this move back to Europe, much of my time was spent in the southern hemisphere. You can read about some of my experiences on the Central Coast of Australia, whether it be falling out of a plane door or diving into the back of a dumpster to find some buried treasure.

Of course if you already followed me on steemit, theres an 80% chance you'll have read them stories back to back, and possibly even read them to your kids as a bed time story. For that, i would not blame you.

But the true bed time story comes in the form of real magic. The stories of one small drop (man) in the vastness of the ocean, chasing down thunderous mountains of water and tredding the sharpest urchin infested reefs. All whilst enjoying the backlit western sunsets that would make Lord Zeus himself shed a tear.

Those kind of stories can be found here:

A two month surf trip to Indonesia Part 1

and here:

A two month surf trip to Indonesia Part 1

if you just like watching videos:

or if you just want to see me getting slotted at one of the best beachies in the world:



Although these stories are embedded in the steem blockchain for good, they are not the last i am hoping to write.

Recently i made the commitment to pursue big(ger) wave surfing on my soon to be return to Australia. For it has dawned on me that if i were to be lying on my deathbed tomorrow, i would regret not having at least tried to surf some of the finest gems scattered up and down the south west coastline.

With this commitment has come physical training, particularly a continuation in the field of yoga, and also that of watermanship breath hold and survival training. The latter pushing the boundaries as i dipped and dived through the amsterdam canals over the last few months. With a temperature of about 14oc, the term 'ice cream headache' is not as fulfilling as it maybe should be when the immediate reward is not ice cream, but instead a 6-7 stroke swim underneath the merky cold waters (where i surprisingly have yet to hit a trolley). The long term reward i know will be priceless, and potentially even life saving.

But that is MONTHS away, next year, and as i come to learn more through training, along with my(inner)self, I will be happy to share them experiences with you along the way.

Regardless, before even stepping foot back into the shark molesting Indian ocean waters, my plan is to head to the origins of that said ocean; India.

Although the land is likely to keep me from losing my leg to a fish the size of a small britz campervan, India can still be a fairly dangerous place from what I have heard. I prefer to think of it as humbling and although i will be on the lookout for small pickpockets and escaped king cobras, the truth is i will be going to achieve my 200hr yoga teacher training in either Rishikesh or Mysore. Regarless of which one i choose im sure something will be 'sore' by the end of the intensive training! (LOL)

Again though, that is MONTHS away - plenty of time for the writers creativity to recharge!

Oh yeh, I am sincerely planning to build a sustainable treehouse to live in at some point in the future. This will undoubtably require me to learn the carpentry trade and probably read a lot more on architecture. But as they say, all in good time my friend!

So to sum up,heres some inspiration and mindfuless on the true power of nature itself...

Cheers for having me Whaleshares and hello old friends on Steemit!


So amazing and admirable :)

Hello @youareyourowngod, thank you for sharing this creative work! We just stopped by to say that you've been upvoted by the @creativecrypto magazine. The Creative Crypto is all about art on the blockchain and learning from creatives like you. Looking forward to crossing paths again soon. Steem on!