What In The World Could It BE?!! ~ A Simple Guessing Game To Win One SBD ~ Original Photograph of Original Find and Short Discussion of Such Find ~

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What In The World Is It?
I can't tell you that. At least not right now ( :
But if you guess and guess and guess, and are correct....GREAT! And if no one gets it, but you ask for more clues in COMMENTS, I'll provide them after awhile, then you can guess some more. The first person to correctly identify what these are, will win a WHOPPING one (1) SBD. How can you pass THAT up?!
All you have to do is be the first person in COMMENTS to guess correctly, and I'll send you this prize. (Once I figure out how to do it.) Guess away and then ask away, and be the first.
Have fun, and good luck to all, and to all, a good day. (Or night, depending on where you are located, and the daily, scheduled travail of the Sun.)
Cheers, and Happy New Year,
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Thanks for stopping in and viewing my very first "What In The World Is It?" challenge. If you have any thoughts about guessing games on Steemit, a desire for more clues as to WHAT it is, found objects as incredibly cool art and important parts of guessing games, or anything else this post reminds you of, please feel free to comment away in the spaces below. I'd love to hear from you.

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And go to @ddschteinn -- There's a whole lot more...
Posted: 01/03/2019 @ 14:30
It's very great idea that you create a game for all of us especially for New Year holidays.....
These look like "ancient Thai coins"! Ha ha! But, I don't think, I'm correct. ;D
Hmm, they do look a bit like coins, don't they. I've seen photos of some of your coins, and my sister used to have an exchange student from Thailand living with her and family. It was nice to get to know her. And see the currency, though it was paper in this regard. I will try to make up some more games of 'what the heck is it' in the future. Have a nice day.
Ah! I can remember that your sister used to have an exchange student from Thailand living with her and family. I’m really glad to hear that…
And it’s great to know that you are interested in our currency.
I look forward to participating in your new games soon.
Have a wonderful day, GFF! ;)
Stop destroying Mrs DD courtains!!
Good guess, but they're not her curtains. (I'd be "curtains" if they were) O :
Sanding tools? Holes in pieces of wood, but for what purpose?
I wish I could say they had such purpose, but alas, it cannot be said. Good guess though. They do look a bit like they should be on the end of a Dremel. More clues to come soon ( :
they are cork rings, used for fishing (i think)
A great guess, but not for fishing or such. They do look a bit 'cork-like'. Onward to more considerations and guesses.
Gosh I've seen these cardboard discs before!
But I can't place them hmmmm.
Let me think. :(
Tick tock, tick tock...squinkkkk, I can hear the wheels clicking away up there in the cranial region of DC. They DO have a familiar 'ring' to them, visually and particularly auditor-ily speaking. Keep pondering away ( :
Ok here is the best I come up with.
They are some sort of bushing either for a doorbell or clock.
That is my final answer.
Final Answer. Love it. But unfortunately, not quite. The 'ring' might just happen to YOU. When they're used. Hmmm.......( :
Are these washers that sit in globe valves of taps/faucets?
i agree the are washers. my wild guess, its non-metalic insulating type of washers.
Hmm, a good answer for sure. But not quite. (That would be a LOT of them). A further clue....I found them in a parking lot. A whole bunch.
Cardboard disks from fireworks then?
Very good guess. You have to go to my latest post, to see the end results. Can't help myself ( :
Yay, I won! I did. Yes.
Congratulations on the great know. (It's not a guess, if you get it right). Hope your whopping 1 SBD came through. Thanks for playing the game, and having so much experience with large event-based, pyrotechnical display items.
Thank you. I got the SBD in good order, and immediately bought food.
And yes, I have made fireworks in the past, with greatly varying success.
He hee, try to stretch out that repast as long as you can. Never know when you might be winning another huge contest in the near future.
As for the pyrotechnical's, seems it might be a dicey sort of thing to mess with, and in this country, now might get one thrown into the hoosgow. Sigh.
Dremel sanding disc? Hehehe. a leather washer?
Another great set of ideas, but still not there. It has been discovered and answered. You will have to go to the newest post to see what the final answer is ( :
Thanks so much for playing along. Have a nice Saturday.
They look like the remnants of using a couple different sized hole saws on some thin particleboard.
Howdy. Exactly what I thought when I first saw them. But not quite there. (Though they were probably machined that way originally). Thanks for playing along. It's been figured out, but you have to go to my latest post, to get the answer ( :
Thanks for playing along. Please say hello to @enternamehere for me, and wish her my best. Miss both of you posting on here. Hope to see you both back on Steemit one day soon. Cheers on a Saturday.
Thank you for the kind words and the contest! I also told @enternamehere what you said. And not to worry, we will be back on soon enough... :)
Thanks for passing on my thoughts. And glad you both will be back one day. Always nice to know friends are still doing well. Looking forward to both of you Steeming away one day in the future. Cheers.
Oh I never saw this!!!! Drats just my luck, not that I even had a clue LOL!
Next time, it is easy to miss posts on here, that's for sure. I intend to make some more 'what the heck are they' things. Though you are the king of the closeup in this regard. And I hardly ever get them. Sigh. But it's fun. This one was hard, as all there was only one photo.