Questioning the story that we are told (by the demonicly controled luny toons)

in #whatsgoingon4 years ago

I am happy to hear that more and more people are understanding that the information that we are being told just does not add up.

In the last five years, just think about the quality of the information that the news media has reported on the top 100 biggest stories. On a scale of 1-10 they score about a 2 or a 3, so I am not sure what they expect me to do with the information concerning the colorado shooting. The media has been dropping the ball on many stories yet they expect me to believe that 24 hours after a shooting they already have the name, age, social tendencies, brief medical background, and they have also tracked down the brother of the shooter and that guy has already implicated the shooter. Also the media has all of the names and brief bios of the victims, in addition the media has already been able to obtain multiple camera angles of the event. And because the media is 'top notch' they have even been able to secure an interview with a person that was an eye witness to the event...

meanwhile the media has also been able to report on a proposed piece of legislation the 'forward thinking Dian Feinstein' submitted just day before the tragic events unfolded...

I want to point out the twisted story that thoes altered humanoids try to paint.

But I am not content with trying to discuss the latest event thoes humanoids try to use to trick us into believing a false story, lets try to look at the big picture of what they have been up to!

After the U.S. civil war, the country needed the country agreed to allow a corporation to do business in this country (here comes the sick and twisted part) The private corporation decided to go by the name 'the united states of america' (The legitimate nation is called 'The United States for America') One thing led to the other thing and the fraudulent corporation decided to create a finance department (would anyone like to guess what those freakazoids named the finance department that was created to handle the business side of the corporation? The name of the finance department was called the federal reserve) And the rogue finance department even issued its own money. Underhanded deals were made and state territories though that the fraudulent corporation was a good idea (At this time I am not certain how many states the actual U.S. goverment has but I will guess 37.

So ironicly Joe Biden is the president, however he happens to be the president of a defunct corporation!!

See Trump bankrupted the company. Trump signed legislation to stop feeding the medical industural complex (the med. ind. complex was funding the corrupt company and Trump put a stop to it) And when 'the company president' took office one of the first things that he did was to try to start feeding the medical industrial complex

(search for 'biden freezes rule on health center insulin')

See, you getting sick is big business for thoes freaks. Its good for business if you have hypertension, heart disease, and or diabetes, so if your not forced to spend money on high price medications well then the freaky company will not be able to afford projects that are designed to make people sick

So who is currently in control of this nation (I am not talking about the bankrupt company thoes twisted freaks are currently being removed, I mean who is actually in control of the legitimate nation) From my understanding the answer to that question is the Militia

(The Constitution of the United States)
Article I, Section 8, Clause 15: [The Congress shall have Power . . . ] To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions; . . .

(and the fraudulent corporation has tried to operate an insurrection and they have tried to invade this here country)

So the media is partialy telling the truth when they talk about 'a plot to overthrow the U.S.A. goverment, however the insurgents were mainly wearing suits. My guess is that the news media will continue to mislead individuals, fortunatly they are great recruiters for our side (but the media is not on our side!)
