Drunk Sandrina loves you all

I'm at the airport in Istanbul, on my way back to Cambodia.
It was very sad to leave my family.

There are 2 hours delay, so I'm at a bar full of sexy Turkish barmen who are putting on rock & roll from 60's and I'm getting drunk until the next flight at 3:20 am (Istanbul time).
Anybody awake who want to chat?




Thanks for the love drunk sandrina. :) Hope the traveling goes well! Hey.. Sorry to interrupt on your page in an unrelated way but I tagged you the other day in an official post on my page in regards to the IFC finals and haven't heard back from you yet so I wanted to try to get in touch with you on your most recent blog post and see if you'll be available to compete in the sweet 16 finals?

If you'll be too busy or something like that you can delegate someone else to play for you and you can share the prize however you want together if they win or whatever, or we can pick the next highest ranked person as well if you don't want to delegate to anyone specifically.

The first challenge in the finals will be this coming Saturday the 23rd.
And it will be a photo scavenger hunt challenge so you'll need access to some kind of camera or a phone with a camera. If this is a problem once you again you can delegate to someone else to have them work with you to complete it together and share the reward, or just bow out and give your spot to someone with no strings attached.

There's more information at this link I'll be including below, like who you will be facing up against and such, so if you could go here and leave a comment letting me know if you can play or not that'd be great, or you can just directly respond to this comment as well. Thanks either way, hope you get a chance to play and congrats for making it into the sweet 16 finals of the IFC! :D


I've replied and now waiting next Saturday to see the next challenge!
I have 1 week for each challenge isn't it?

It's this coming Saturday, not the next one. On the 23rd of June. :)
And.. Yes. Each contest is a week long, however if all the competitors finish sooner, we could move on to the next challenge sooner and we don't have to wait the full week like normal.

Howdy, we miss you, hope all is well in your corner of the world. Keep on keepin on...

I agree!

My hopes are she is just taking a much-needed break, and we will have her whimsical, observant, ribald, always entertainingly funny presence once more soon, as summer turns to winter, with that falling intermission.

I hope so too!

I'm officially worried. She gave no indication she would be taking a break :(

It is a wee bit, she was literally just going back to Cambodia

I was just busy ironing!
Easy tigers

Ooft, that's some sassy ironing. I want all my ironers to look like this :0D

I wish you a good trip
be safe bye

Check in, you crazy nut. We're all worried about you!

I'm back because you this comment. I was feeling guilty and I don't know what to do with myself! :) Hope life is treating you well

Cambodia?!? No-one can live at that speed??

Awesome! I hope you had a fantastic trip back! More importantly, I hope you came back recharged and fresh, bud!

Safe trip mama. I was really liking your family posts.

I bet they can't wait for you to come back already.

Mamaaaaaaaaaa? Did you just call me mamaaaaa? Oh gosh. I am really getting old.
More family posts will come, soon soon. I'm already looking forward for Christmas to meet them again :)

Oh bummer, I missed chatting away with you on the compu-tele. But it looks as though you had fun anyway. I"m guessing you are home by now. Well, I just wanted to say hello and sorry I missed you. Wonder what time it would have been? Wow, this comment is a bit lame. Large sigh and goodnight.

It was midnight in Turkey. I was waiting for the next flight until 3,30 am.
Your comments are never lame :)

Thank you. I strive for a Quotient of Comment Lameness of < .07398

Hehe. Welcome back to the kingdom of wonder. Let's hope you brought some boots and a raincoat. Hopefully, see you in Kep in a few days.

Drunk in a bar in Istanbul seems like it should be the title and theme of a song. Maybe you need to write and perform it with a uke on a youtube video. :)

Glad you made it back safe and 'sound'.