GOLDEN JOKER: Let's choose the winners!
Hello, jokers!
All of you can join the GOLDEN JOKER game! All you have to do is place #whysoserious tag for your funny and not so serious post!

Last time we gave opportunity to everybody to organize a contest! All you had to do was choose the category, promise the donation and select the judge! Let's see what we have:
- Funniest #whysoserious post
Judge: @whysoserious Reward: 5SBD
Donation: @whysoserious - Best #whysoserious post with word "story" included in title
Judge: @dumar022 Reward: 3SBD
Donation: @dumar022 - Best crypto story with "My crypto story" included in the title
Judge: @dumar022 Reward: 5SBD
Donation: @lordoftruth - Best #whysoserious toy photo or a small story with the word "toy" included in title
Judge: @deerjay Reward: 2SBD (3SBD if 3 or more entries)
Donation: @deerjay - Take a snap of yourself and make meme of yourself
Judge: @dumar022 Reward : 2SBD
Donation: @positivity420
I ask for the judges to start looking for the winners and donors to be ready to send the rewards to the winners! Let's do this down on the comments! I'll just let this be for few hours until every judge and donor shows up! You can also make a request for your own contest in this week down in the comments!
Thank you!!!

Thanks @whysoserious and everyone!! The winner and recipient of the Golden Joker for the "toy category" is @spacetrucker for: "whysoserious?!? Toy Smash: Hissing and Screaming!" Congratulations and thank you for an awesome entry! The reward is 2SBD which has been deposited into your wallet!!
Congratulations @spacetrucker!
We don't see any entries in these categories:
Best crypto story with "My crypto story" included in the title
Judge: @dumar022 Reward: 5SBD
Donation: @lordoftruth
Take a snap of yourself and make meme of yourself
Judge: @dumar022 Reward : 2SBD
Donation: @positivity420
I suggest to donors to make some new challenges for next week!
NOW, Category 1 WINNER: @smasssh
For this post: READY FOR TAKE-OFF ...... Realy made us laugh! 5 SBD reward will be sent to @smasssh after posting this comment!
Congratulations to my friend @smasssh for the LOL story, it was short but straight to the point hahah love it!
Thanks for your nice comment
Thanks very much. It was again an honour and congrats to all other winners.
Thank you :)
Hi @whysoserious!! I believe there was at least one entry for the selfie meme challenge from @deadgrlsuppastar. ;) I can't confirm if the other 2 entries are selfie's.
Congratulations to @smasssh!!
O how i missed! We will update very soon
Soon you'll need a secretary for all the paperwork, lol.'s a lot to keep up with! Thanks @dumar022!!
Yes i did enter the selfie one!!!!!
And that's why you are the winner of this category! When @positivity420 sees this, he will send you the reward!!!
The reward has been sent as you are the only participant which makes you the winner, thank you for participating and congratulations!
Your winner is @deadgrlsuppastar
Awesome... yay
Thanks for jumping in, I just woke up being sad no-one entered my category but you saved my mood for the day xD
Im great at selfies!!!!
I can see :) You really brightened up my day so I just had to share it :) Too bad it's not less than 12 hours old more people would've upvoted but still, thank you for participating in my "mini" contest, and thanks to @whysoserious for letting us jump in with whatever contest we would find interesting, experimental work is tricky, and they have my respect it was great little experience :)
I am glad I brightened up your day!!! Followed you as well.. I am doing a Sunday Selfie Challenge. No pay rewards just something I started last week just for fun and to get people engaged in the community... you should check it out this week.. #selfiesunday
Congrats to all the Winnners!
As a judge for category 2, I choose @positivity420 with his #story post: Shortcut - story for @whysoserious contest
3 SBD reward already sent from @whysoserious
Congrats @positivity420!
Thank you very much :)
You're welcome! = )
great your information is very useful
E julliana, juliana...
Ajme majko
Congratulations!!! I love these!