The Protests that are Not Being Televised

in #wikileaks5 years ago

The arrest of Julian Assange, is one of modern time’s most blatant examples of abuse of power by Western governmental authorities. It is also backed by the tragic irony that is the corporate media; a greedy cancer that is willing to chew up human rights, just to continue it’s destructive existence. So it’s of no surprise that it is in its best interest to hide, that there is a lot of support for the Wikileaks founder.

Since the arrest, several hacker outfits have been hitting electronic government infrastructure, in the UK, and Ecuador. Even hacking a Naval database:

Cassandra Fairbanks from the Gatewaypundit, who has been reporting on this, explains:

The UK Police are not happy:

Also it appears tools are being tweaked for this:

Mainstream media black out on Wikileaks protests also extend to those out on the street:

Meanwhile IMF-pony Lenin Moreno, lavishes himself like royalty, on the Ecuadorian taxpayer’s money: