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RE: Wikileaks & Assange - Hero or Dis-Info Agent? (Part 4)

in #wikileaks8 years ago

Well, well. That is an amazing piece of work buddy. Even better with the highlighted text in the email trails.
I know you're aware of my thoughts on elite control and it is hard to deny that Assange is in that camp after this epic piece of research. The names involved are disturbing to say the least as Imfear they are unlikely to be in the good guy camp. Anyone of the opinion the Assange is a free agent will have difficulty believing that now.
Another amazing post buddy, as good as I've seen.


Thank you for your support, encouragement and genuine desire to discover truth @tremendospercy

My gut (and research) tells that me that many of the guys on the list are still working together, if not directly, then most certainly indirectly, for the same overlords.

If nothing else - they definitely know how to get in touch with each other when they need to.

Not much surprises me anymore but this piece of work was a real eye opener.
I have no doubt they're in cahoots, the difficulty is knowing what the end game plan is. Can't imagine it's good for the 'average Joe'.

Your comment means a lot - I know that it takes a lot to open your eyes - you are already very much awake and you have so much valuable information to share.

I have a pretty strong theory on what the end game is and I want to write about it once this series is done and dusted.

You are 100% correct - it is not good for the average Joe.

Thanks TP!

I'm just so sick of the lies dude.
Not just in our current paradigm but throughout the whole of our history.
All you can do is the best research you can and go where the evidence takes you, some aren't going to like the answers you find and some conclusions may end up being subjective due to circumstantial evidence. So be it.
Assange is a tricky one for many as people want him to be a good guy.
I really hope he is however I've always had a niggling suspicion that if he was 100% good guy he'd be dead already?
The plot thickens. I'm sure this series of posts is going to prompt people on both sides of the fence to really start digging up everything they can on Asaange. Your work may be the catalyst to finding out even more yet undiscovered titbits that will help to decipher this riddle.

some conclusions may end up being subjective due to circumstantial evidence.

I'm going to use that - you've explained it better than me.

He may or not be dead if he was genuine but he surely wouldn't have a statue in Berlin and he wouldn't be a media celebrity.

Hopefully others will start digging and share what they find with us.

It's a puzzler, maybe that's the plan! To muddy the waters so much that no one believes anything anybody ever says. To engender total distrust of all truthers to shut down the movement.
See you've got me going all tin hat now. 😂

They certainly don't want us trusting each other and working together. They are focused on dividing and conquering us. Tin suits you 😂