in #winter7 years ago

Now this reminds me of my homeland!

Back in Wisconsin, snowfalls like this are the norm. Here in the Ozarks, though, they are few and far between. In the two years that we've been down here, this is the most that we've ever seen. It sure puts a different look on everything.


When I woke up this morning, I wasn't expecting this. One reason is that I don't pay much attention to the weather, unless I am outside. Up north, this was pretty much a daily event, and I sure did not enjoy the half hour drive to work in extremely snowy and icy conditions on a road where the posted speed limit was 65 mph. A lot of accidents happened almost daily up there and a lot of people slid into the ditch without any help from other drivers. Thankfully, this is the first time this season that my truck has looked like this!

I took a drive to check the animals this morning, rather than just walking. I figured that I'd spare myself the cold and save myself the time. The land was quite picturesque.

This is the house site. Hopefully we will begin construction on it in March. We will see, but I'm glad that I'm not working on it today! I spend enough time doing construction in the snowy winters of Wisconsin.


Our sheep didn't seem to care too much. While they could just as easily be inside their shelter, they opted to run around in the snow instead. With their thick wool coats, the snow probably didn't ever even make it down to their skin, so that must help.

This one is our young ram, "Buckington." He's a real treat so far, but we will see how his temperament is as he grows. I like the look of him anyway, but with the dusting of snow, I think he looks even cooler, if you catch my drift.

They certainly do look like different beasts when they are covered like that! I also had an interesting photo opportunity when I got back in the truck, as the window had a few little snow drifts on it. I lined the shots up as best as I could, and I think that they look really interesting. See what you think.

I think it creates a pretty cool effect and adds to the whole "winter wonderland" theme.


Since we picked up our Guinea Fowl right after they were born, we know that this is the first time that they have ever seen snow. Here across the homesteads of America Guinea Fowl certainly get to experience snow, but I wonder if they ever do in their native Africa. Other than knowing that they are originally from Africa, I don't know any more about their origin.

The rest of the poultry seemed interested and amused by the snow too, since it was both covering the ground already and still coming down. It was neat to watch them make little footprints in the snow too as they explored and played.

All in all, it was pleasant to wake up to the snow, especially since we know that its visit is limited. We've got some other fun planned while its here, so we will definitely keep you posted on that!

Does it snow where you live? Have you already had snow this year? Do your animals enjoy the snow too?

As always, I'm @papa-pepper and here's the proof:


Until next time…

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GIF provided by @orelmely



Really beautiful impressions @papa-pepper, thanks for sharing!

  • resteemed

Love the homestead, especially with the light dusting of snow...

@papa-pepper hope too much cold will not affect those animals especially, birds?

They have good places to go out of the elements, but I'll keep an eye on them.

This is so amazing. I wonder how this cuties will manage survive the winter though they look ready for it.
The guinea fowl from africa needs proper care cos they might not be used to snow like the other birds. Nice time out with your especially the rams @papa-pepper

They have plenty of space to get out of the snow, so they should be fine.

it snows in the Sahara so I bet the Guinea fowl don't mind too much.

Good point, LOL!

Oh I know exactly what you mean. The snow has really started to pile up here and it’s freezing! Why do I live here? I’m trying to convince my husband into moving elsewhere, but he says he would not be happy somewhere where the winters do not reach below zero.

Hi pepper.. Such interesting post.. Beautiful weather beautiful article.. Also amazed to see whole things.. Your poultry farms animals are so cute.. I always wish to have a farm in a valley between hills.. And a beautiful small house.. Pleasant weather.. I like village life pure organic food.. Here sometime village ppl took sone village things as gift like vegetables fruits milk butter etc.. I always so happy to see such stuff and receved them with deep emotions while many ppl here did not give any importance to these things.. My mother said you should be married to some village guy.. Or landlord.. Hahaha but instead i went to capital city from my city after weding .. Here pure organic things are rare or very costly.. I missed all from village specially a vegetable called saag here which is made with few different green leaves vegetables and green chillies..

Very beautiful photos. Looks like the animals are very well prepared for the cold winter :) Thank you for sharing!

A cozy place for seclusion and relaxation from the city's bustle

Wow, thats so beautiful!!!!!