WIN WITH STEEM : Contests closing in the next two days @ 16 April 2021 - $385 to be won

After a quiet Friday, Saturday leaps back with a massive 15 contests.
That gives a very healthy 20 contests for the two day period, with 320 STEEM in prizes.
That's a very useful $385 up for grabs.
Keep on Steeming, keep on winning !
Post a video of you dancing. Variable prizes to be won. Organised by @donatello…
Dance week 192 - See who took part in Dance week 191Write a post on the theme ‘What do you do with...?’. 10 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @gertu…
CONTEST: What do you do with... ?Post selfies of you telling people about Steem in your Steem Ghana T-shirt. 22 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @mcsamm…
Wear Your Steem Shirt Contest( Share and promote steemit with friends and families)Post a video of you dancing to this week’s track of the genre Tribal Jazz. 10 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @shemzee…
DANCE WITH shemzee CONTEST. TRIBAL JAZZ WEEKPredict the outcome of sports games and the price of Bitcoin. 5 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @tht…
Daily Contest 16/04/2021 || New Format || Reward 5 STEEM!
Write a post on the theme ‘The Favourite Country You Like To Visit’. 16 STEEM & votes from @booming01 to be won. Organised by @damindu…
Announcing Contest: The Favourite Country You Like To Visit | Steem Sri Lanka 3G Contest Series| Week 07Post a video of you doing a fitness activity. Variable prizes to be won. Organised by @donatello…
Keep fit and have fun week 60 - See who took part in Keep fit and have fun week 59Create a Steem Viral Campaign. 50 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @dobartim…
Weekly Contest Week 1 - Day 4 - Steem Viral Game - Create a Steem Viral Campaign - Reward Pool 50 SteemWrite a post on the theme ‘What does TODAY mean to YOU?’. SBI, STEEM, TRX to be won. Organised by @freedomshift…
What does TODAY Mean to YOU?" - Win upvotes, SBD, Steem, TRX, and more... ccc 3.42Write a post on the theme ‘My Steemit Friend’. 22 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @greatketty…
Attention! Contest #1 - "My Steemit Friend"!Post an original video of you performing a song from the ‘50’s to the ‘90’s. 22 STEEM & 45 TRX in prizes. Organised by @marvalstudios…
Retro Music Week 5 || Earn Trx and Steem // Register your entry and participateWrite a post about a recycling project using plastic bottles. 10 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @naka05…
[ENG - ESP] Contest | THE ART OF RECYCLING | Plastic bottles. /Concurso | EL ARTE DE RECICLAR| Botellas de PlásticoPost your original photos on this week’s colour theme – Blue. 38 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @olesia & @dmitrik…
Color Palette Contest by olesia and dmitrik | Announcement of the winners of the week 4 and the beginning of the week 5Guess the name of the cricketers from photos of their eyes. 4 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @sandysparkle…
CONTEST : Guess The Name Of The Cricket Player ?Write a post about a memorable wedding day. 10 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @shohana1…
New Contest: Steem Wedding Diary || Story Of A Memorable Wedding Day Yours Or You Have Ever Attended | Bangladesh-বাংলাদেশ Contest | 10 Steem In Prize PollWrite a post on the theme ‘The Importance of Steemit in your life and when is the best time to invest in a currency?’. 23 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @steemit-pak…
Winners Announcement Weekly Engagement Week 17 || Invitation for week 18 || Write About Importance of Steemit In Your Life and When should you Invest in a Currency?Make a post of an original vegetarian recipe you have made. 50 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @steemitwarrior…
Big Cooking Competition - Create The Best Vegetarian Dish - 50 STEEM Reward Pool - 10 Days - Day 0Predict the outcome of sports games and the price of Bitcoin. 5 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @tht…
Daily Contest 17/04/2021 || New Format || Reward 5 STEEM!Write a post on the theme ‘what you look forward to or look back at’. 2 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @wakeupkitty…
CONTEST: Looking back Look Forward 3.43( the total number of quadrilaterals in the given puzzle. 10 STEEM in prizes. Organised by @zero-to-infinity…
Contest : Find the total number of quadrilaterals ?
There are plenty of great contests with plenty of great prizes.
So get entering now and #winwithsteem !
If you are running a contest that you would like to be included in these daily posts, add the link and details in a comment below. Make sure you clearly state the closing date.
[ graphic by @pennsif ]
Nice work! You just got yourself a $8.11 upvote. Enjoy! Check us out at or swing by for a chat at ACOM Discord
Thank you
Hello a New contest list
Hi @pennsif. I started a competition that shows the community exciting food places in different cities and countries!
Here you can see all the participants of the previous week!
fighting !shop
[WhereIn Android] (

吃饱了吗?跟我猜拳吧! 石头,剪刀,布~
Hey! I invite you to take part in the "Kids of the World" competition. All conditions of participation on my account