in #wisdom7 years ago

"The first step to be wise is to make the decision to acquire wisdom. So use everything you have to get wisdom and you will get it. " Prov. 4: 7 (PDT)

I live in a country where we are becoming expert seekers. Due to the situation that we are going through each one has developed strategies to look for certain products, medicines, spare parts, etc. Others, perhaps because they have the possibility, do not look for much but can pay others to search and are willing to pay more in order to get what they want. Now, I ask myself, how diligently do we "seek" wisdom?

When we say "seek" wisdom, maybe someone can think: we should not look for it, we just have to ask for it (James 1: 5). However, when one meditates on certain proverbs we realize that the sage uses the verbs "acquire", "obtain", "love" and "search" a lot. What denotes that not only must we passively ask and wait for wisdom to fall from heaven. We must also be diligent and use "everything you have to obtain wisdom."

A new year begins, among your plans, purposes or goals is growing in wisdom? How much time will you dedicate to it? How much resources will they allocate to it? How much effort will you put? What things are you willing to sacrifice to be wiser this year? If wisdom is not among your goals this year, I encourage you to do so; but that is not like many of those purposes that in the end are not fulfilled.

Where to seek the wisdom that comes from God? Undoubtedly that first in the Bible. How much will you invest to seek wisdom in the Bible? Also in good relationships, in good advice, in preaching, Bible studies, good literature; but the main source of wisdom is in a close relationship with God. A close relationship that gives you the guidelines on how to act and how to live in the midst of this society that wants to surpass us. SPREAD, make the decision to seek wisdom with all your strength and I am sure, because God promises, you will reach it.


wisdom only comes through experience and the difficult experiences are usually those that provide the lessons upon which real wisdom in gained, so to embark upon a path to be wise you better get ready to hurt.