How to vote for me as a witness.

in #witness-category7 years ago

As of yesterday, I became a steem witness on a shared witness account. This is going to confuse a lot of people, especially those who have been voting for a non-existent witness of mine for quite some time now.

Voting for @beanz is not how you vote for my witness. My witness is actually 1/3 of @sircork. Another 1/3 belongs to @rhondak.

Together we make a team of community leaders with integrity and love for the steem community. We are

The Three Headed Beast

@rhondak is an advocate for animal welfare as a founder of a rescue center in Southwest Virginia which she writes about from the @tarc account. On STEEM she is not just a writer but also a community leader and motivator of a large community of aspiring writers on STEEM. If you are looking for a community to practice writing with then The Writers Block is a welcoming communty full of people who are delighted to help. As a blogging network, STEEM has a lot of potential to grow from attracting and nurturing great writers into the community. The more high quality content attracts people to read from the sites running on STEEM, the greater the number of investors who see its potential.

@sircork runs a number of digital media companies one of which is called the SteemStar Network where he promotes steemians building communities through their live-streamed interactive content. He also teaches these content creators to use recording software which improves their production value and continues to assist in the growth of these STEEM communities, not just from within steem, but also on the external platforms such as YouTube where we share the content. @sircork is even more famous for his STEEM charity initiative, where he has a large community of collaborators who use STEEM to bring resources to people who badly need them. When these initiatives gain attention from the communities they positively affect, they show the power of STEEM and attract more people to the platform. Join the YouAreHope community where you can make a real difference in the lives of people less fortunate than you, while simultaneously improving the reputation of the STEEM network.

@beanz is me and if you're reading this you probably already know who I am and what I do. This was really just a summary of what we're known most for in STEEM. Together we actually make up a pretty scary trio, because all three of us are known for speaking our minds on controversial matters and not really holding back when we strongly believe it is important to speak out. My own growing community - Voices of the Underground - is built with this principle running all the way through from the podcast to the conversations between multicultural members. It is a space for people to discuss the matters that matter most, which often lead to heated discussion, yet as a community we remain respectful of those who disagree with our point of view. We value the freedom of speech and expression as an important aspect to reduce sensorship which usually comes in the form of self sensorship on the steem network, when people feel their unpopular opinions will go unrewarded.

So there's some reasons to vote for us

and here are 4 ways you can vote for us

If you think I accidentally put @sircork in twice then go back and spot the difference.

The first option is to "vote for a witness outside the top 50". That witness is @sircork. This method gives you the freedom to use your other 29 votes as you please.


If you have a lot of spare votes and you don't know where to put them, you can choose to trust one of us and who we vote for instead. So the other 3 options are to "choose a proxy that will vote for witnesses for you".
This means you can use all your votes at once, without having to learn about the witnesses first. Although having said that, I encourage you to get to know the witnesses and what they do for the steem community in the meantime.

If you would prefer to proxy until you know your witnesses here is who we vote for

I plan to follow up this post with why I vote for these members of the community, so that you can get to know more about what I stand for and appreciate about witnesses, and therefore you can expect us to reach for the same standards.


Because why not

As a 3 headed witness we need a banner all 3 of us can use, which represents what we do for the steem network. I'll be giving 20 steem to the best banner and 10 steem to a couple of runner ups.


Hmm... very interesting, @beanz. So does this mean that the mining "load," so to speak, is also necessarily split three-ways? Or does it just mean the three of you are working collectively behind physical "node," so to speak (sorry, I'm still trying to learn all the ins and outs of the system). I guess I'm just wondering if "one witness," (i.e., one voted for role) is able to have their purely mining obligation split-up and shared, or if that is all done by one "machine," per se, and responsibilities other than mining are what are delegated amongst the tripartite group.

I've quit and left this witness already and no longer support it.

Aooh... Yes, I actually saw that in a comment right after I posted mine lol. Sorry :/ Nonetheless, my question still stands--unless you didn't even get that far along in the process, that is... Again, do you know if one "single witness" could, in essence, "split up" his or her mining obligation "across" multiple--otherwise separate--CPUs? From what I know about mining, I don't see why they couldn't... there again, I still have a lot to learn; especially about STEEM

Ps. Two things. First: Thank you so much for the humongous upvote on me comment above!! That's... more than I make on most posts hahah :) Two--forgive me if this is getting too personal--but may I ask why things did not "work out" with you being a witness? Was it something related to being a witness in general, or particular to that circumstance? I'd just like to learn about any pitfalls and/ or systemic difficulties that may or may not arise for myself or someone I know in the future, and "witnessing" remains still one of the most mystical and mysterious aspects of steemit for me, and I think probably many people (or, most people actually probably just don't really care, unfortunately.. ;) Anyway, yeah.

It was particular to the circumstance. Having a shared witness doesn't always mean "sharing" the node or the account which gets paid. You have to trust a particular person to hold the key and distribute the payment. What that means is there can be a dynamic shift in power relations within a team or partnership where somebody could simply stop paying you whenever they feel like it.

That dynamic shift can mean every promise before the agreement was made thrown out the window, especially if all you were really needed for was to pull in the initial votes from the announcement of your partnership. It works for some people. I would say beware of who you trust, and trust your gut first.

do you know if one "single witness" could, in essence, "split up" his or her mining obligation "across" multiple--otherwise separate--CPUs? From what I know about mining

I think it's better to remain one witness and if you share the rewards of that witness be open about their lower positions as promoters and what the reasons are they are supported by your witness rewards. Currently the blockchain doesn't distribute witness rewards to multiple accounts. So it has to be powered down to share the block rewards.

Ah... gotcha. Thank you. And I'm sorry to hear that you had a sketchy experience. "Trusting your gut" is... complicated lol . but, something I'm learning to do better all the time. It's true: you don't really have much of an idea who you're talking to on here--which can be good and bad lol. People are so weird!

)Orange and Green 8-Bit Dragon Knight Medieval Invitation.png

Hey DB, any idea what these 3 guys plan todo with the Steem income from the Witness? What % goes to what cause, & how much % wise goes to TWB?

Most of it goes to diebitch relief fund

i can't vote for these kinda scams women! you get way too much ruskie relief already :P

We thought we would Upvote and Resteem this post to all our Followers to show our Support for @beanz - @rhondak - @sircork and the efforts they are putting forth to run for Witness of the Steem Blockchain. We need some more ethical people to support Steem.

It is much appreciated, @adsactly! :-)

Hey there sweetie, I just put in my vote- I think you should add this link to your post to make it easier for people: :)

Hi dreemit. I really appreciated your witness vote but thought I should let you know that I'm not witnessing on that account anymore. Short lived witness experience. Learned a lot. No regrets.

Hey, I was happy to support you. That's totally fine, you do still feel it's a good witness choice right? It was you that I knew of this group, but I trust your judgment :)

Now this is something i can get behind. Ive been busy of late and havent been able to do the interview with @sircork but i love what he is doing and seeing a team band together is encouraging for the future.

What i really love is that picture showing who you are voting for in the witness category. I think all witnesses should be required to do this to see how corrupted the system has become. Witnesses need to be held accountable. Good luck, youve got my vote

Thank you for the support! You can find the data of what witnesses people are voting for and who is voting for them on , steemreports and

Thank you for your vote. Unfortunately I'm no longer a part of this "witness team".

Care to comment or create a post on what has transpired here @beanz? I read the to and fro on the announcement post, but that seems more like a continuation of a private conversation and lacking details about what actually happened from your point of view.

"A pretty scary trio." I love it! Yes, but we vow to use our scaries for good. LOL! :-)

Great post, @beanz. Thank you for making it!

I think its cute that they're splitting up their witness into 3 people but I just have to say, it won't work out longterm most often, maybe they can make it work, but I doubt this will end up working, people should keep separate witness accounts, I don't know this is just messy, we are supposed to be a trustless system, and this just is like ahhh I don't know, MAYBE it would be cool if we had like, steem blockchain allowed for some sort of shared witness account lol, I don't know

I think you should all just get your own witnesses going, so you all have to learn how it works and how to spin up a node, you will all 3 get more out of it

but maybe you can prove me wrong and make some sort of new protocol for sharing a witness node! That would be cool, multi sig witness accounts etc etc

And maybe you could make this work and allow for even more than 3 people sharing one witness!

Maybe you could allow for a MINNOW witness where like 1000 minnows pool a piece of their rewards to pay for the server (very expensive and I don't think people who don't have the financial means have any business being a witness unless they have the money to support themselves and the witness node, or it will hurt steem)

So if you can POOl minnow upvotes, witness votes, stake and money to run the server, a big pool of minnows could become a witness! (And by the way I want to make sure everyone here is on the same page about a Minnow needing 500 SP to even be a minnow, too many plankton out there actin like minnows :D but seriously you have to EARN being a minnow, too many brand new users pout there think they are already minows LOL its really annoying! There is an actual chart)

Anyway I am interested in seeing how you guys work with splitting up a witness, I disagree and believe you should all have your own witness nodes but maybe you can make it work and develop a multi sig witness wallet or something!

Upvoted you are comment and the post by @beanz

There are several successful shared witness accounts. FollowBTCNews is one. Curie is another. Curie is a large group who have all pooled resources. Server requirements are becoming so steep that I have a feeling you will see more and more witness partnerships form just to keep the blockchain running.

There's no way to know if our endeavor will work. Some things you just don't know until you try. The goal is to try and do as much good for the platform as we can. We know the risks. We also know the good that will come from this if we succeed.

I think you should all just get your own witnesses going, so you all have to learn how it works and how to spin up a node, you will all 3 get more out of it

Thank you for your feedback @ackza. We are not really interested in getting triple the witness node. The amount of people now witnessing has become very competitive and many who put themselves forward alone fail to cover the costs of running the node. We believe that witness earnings are large enough that they are better split between the many projects and people who bring value to steem. Some of those in the top 19 use their payment to fund other projects. Our witness is doing the same but it is between the 3 of us. I don't think it is any different. In the meantime Rhonda and I are learning about running the server and what to do if something were to go wrong, and we are also learning how that is prevented.

@nnnarvaez has attempted a community witness in the past. I expect it is very challenging as people need to be able to make decisions as the witness co owner, and the more people involved the more difficult it becomes. However between @sircork @rhondak and I, we 3 share our aspirations for the Steem blockchain and usually agree on what is good for the platform.

Ackza, a very large number of the witnesses are team, project or co-owned witnesses. A long time user such as yourself certainly knew that. Do you have an agenda here to see us differently than followbtc/crimsonclad, or curie, or ocd-witness or any of the other dozen or so team witnesses?

@beanz I have only just discovered you through some of your comments, which stood out for me as being smart as heck. I read several of your points and I could see straight away that you know your stuff, are open to discussion and operate in the ways that I feel are aligned with the way I would like Steemit and my own participation in it to go. So I'm pretty happy to have discovered you. After reading some of the other posts on the current state of Steemit I was feeling a bit despondent. You've restored a lot of my optimism. I'm off to vote you guys as Witnesses. I like your transparency and sense of community. A lot. :-)

Thank you so much for your kind words powerfulwonders. Unfortunately I'm no longer part of this witness. My own vision for steem just isn't aligned with the key holder of the witness account, so it's not for me.

That's a shame and I can still vote for you independently as a witness, so every cloud....

I couldn't be happier than to be able to share this responsibility with women this strong, wise and motivated.

Here's a cheers to the three headed beast!

I am relatively new in the steemit and I do not understand much the dynamics of the witnesses, although I have seen some promotions (I do not know if it is the right word), however, I find interesting a team that works with writings, audiovisuals and forums, I think they must be complement themselves excellently. I will continue studying a little more to know how to give them my support.

@annycor, I totally agree. The combination of skills that the three of us have is one of the things that confirmed for me that joining this team was the right choice. Put together, the combination is formidable. I look forward to the great things we're going to accomplish for the people of Steem. Good times ahead!

This has filled with joy all the people that make life in steemit, we hope that they reach the first 20 so that our voice reaches as high as possible.