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RE: intelliwitness UPDATE - May 19, 2018 - I am losing $150 USD a month to bring a reliable witness node

I would like to know how you are spending so much per month.

Is it your electricity costs?

Is it because you are renting out nodes.

Personally, I think it is cheating to rent out a node. I prefer to create my own servers in my house and take care of them myself.

How is it good for the block chain if everybody is renting nodes. Let alone if everybody rents from the same business and the business goes down, destroying the availability of the block chain.

It appears to me that if you did an initial investment, and bought internet that was reliable, you would spend less money than $150 a month.

Personally, I don't think this call to action should matter. This is an issue EVERY witness has and doesn't put you above any other witness at all.

Every other witness is putting in time and money. What sets you apart?

Knowledge, projects, PR ability, coding skill?

I follow you, but I am not sold.


Taking care of servers in your house makes you prone to network issues if your main upstream connection goes down.

A datacenter can use BGP routing with multiple providers to re-route traffic when there is an issue within 15 minutes.

As far as proving my experience, I can only do that with time. Showing amount of missed blocks over time... What kinds of apps and projects I support, etc.

Anyone could claim to have 20 years of system administration experience... but there would be no way to validate it. So he proof is watching and observing.