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RE: NOBLEWITNESS UPDATE - On Promises, Contracts, and Integrity

Fucking hilarious! I didn’t want to take the risk with waiting 5 weeks to get paid when someone offered a full payment to refund the ticket and allow me to pay my sponsors back.
You slander ina decentralized platform. I refunded his partial payment. Fucking hilarious! You’re a complete DOUCHEBAG


How is it slander? You agreed to the terms of the arrangement that was made between you and Gmuxx, and he completed substantial performance on that contract. The fact that it would take longer for you to receive the full payment is something you should have contemplated before entering into a contract. That's the point of discussing terms.

You breached the contract you made with Muxx. It's not being a douchebag to point out that you lack integrity when you literally broke a promise for your own convenience.

Comedy! Why can’t you so called witnesses use the website and pay full price, cheap skates

I've kept quiet up until now. A few things to set straight:

1 - YOU offered the ticket in a discord channel cheaper than full price.
2 - We agreed a price and a schedule. I agreed to increase the payments to get it paid quicker.
3 - YOU reneged on the deal
4 - YOU also DID NOT pay 150 steem of your own money towards the ticket, when @therealwolf donated it to you as seen in this screenshot

Screenshot_20181014-225651_Samsung Internet.jpg

Taken from your post HERE requesting help to get to Poland.

5 After the generosity shown in upvotes and donations enabling you to buy said ticket, YOU then sell it first to me, then to @FollowBtcNews for an extra 25 Steem.

And you have the nerve to call me a cheapskate?

Get off your damn high horse.

That's not relevant to anything. Why can't you honor a contract you made with another party? You're a professional, correct? Surely you understand the importance of honoring contracts and the obligations that arise out of them.

A contract? We set a payment plan over 5 weeks not a contract, nobody signed anything. Perhaps I’m new to this whole decentralized thing but there are NO contracts in decentralized.
It was 24 hours after receiving 1 of 5 payments that an offer for the full refund was awarded as an option. Clearly you guys understand my position do you not?
Most ppl would completely understand the circumstances here. Instead you want to get upset when and put people on blast rather than discuss privately.
The minute you guys decided that, I’m happy to be assertive with my point of view.
Sometimes people that charge into battle without all the facts or understanding both sides and why , you should really try to reach out to me before you start talking shit about ppl.
I’ve contributed across this platform greatly. Clearly for you to be so short sighted and quick to pull the trigger on someone really shows you didn’t take the time to get to know me, understand the story, and with limited information make an assumption. Kinda sounds like me huh? Making a decision on limited information about another user... add money, paybacks to loans, and speed of completion i think honestly you’ve managed to surface a flaw in decentralized governance. How do u trust the people on this platform, is there a way to convince a user that the other user is real, legitimate. I still believe that is still unresolved here. It’s a good argueme t to discuss authenticity of users especially when transactions are involved. How do you know. Ultimately i don’t know gmuxx and who knows it could have been a straight up solid 5 weeks deal, but too me it was far more risky of getting screwed vs someone i work with on a daily basis on projects on steem. I’m sorry you don’t agree. You’re entitled to your opinion. Had i known gmuxx as you have I’d think different but i only know what i know.
That’s the best answer i can give you!

Perhaps I’m new to this whole decentralized thing but there are NO contracts in decentralized.

Clearly you are, as contracts exist in a decentralized space. ERC20 tokens are smart contracts. There are contracts everywhere here. Moreover, a signature is not necessary when one party acts in reliance to your promise and substantially performs what they agreed to. You accepted that performance. You constructively bound yourself to the contract you made with Gmuxx.

How do u trust the people on this platform

Well, you could start by honoring contracts and understanding when you've obligated yourself to complete your end of a bargain. That would go a long way to fostering trust between others and you. The fact that you don't believe there are contracts in crypto or on a blockchain should tell anyone who's curious all they need to know about what you think about entering into agreements with others.

The minute you guys decided that, I’m happy to be assertive with my point of view.

Well I'm glad you're happy to keep expounding on how no one should trust you with any business venture or simple agreement.

@anarcho-andrei's analysis matches my understanding of contract law as it exists in many countries.
Early on there was perhaps an "out" that existed depending on the interpretation of the word hold in the phrase "I'll hold it for 4 weeks". However, this out was closed with the later renegotiation of a repayment schedule and then really bound when GMuxx paid the first installment (substantive performance). The time for evaluating risk is before making the agreement.
I fell afoul of this situation myself once when I was like 15/16 years old. It took some explaining to me before I understood why the customs around contracts are the way they are. Glad it happened when I was young and forgivable :)
Gotta say, seller messed up. But, he doesn't have to take my word for it. There's plenty of resources available online about contract law.

Well since @rhodak has stated you guys think I’m a spade, i assume you guys are racist now! Good to know.

That is laughable. Keep digging that hole, bud.

"You're a complete DOUCHEBAG" ---> spoken while looking in the mirror at himself

Bunch of babies. Seriously. No interest in waiting for pennies every week. Equally i have to assume that muxx would come thru. It’s like an eBay transaction i can always refund the buyer. I’m sorry too much to risk on my end.
If you guys are such bully witnesses why can’t u buy your own full price tickets or pay the full amount in full anyway. Lol
Talk about integrity.
Sorry not sorry. Amazed you guys really don’t see my perspective. Had a not refunded the amount then yes I’d be the douchebag. But it was! Grow up you guys lol

Keep squealing. You're just showing your true colors. You're also revealing things about your intelligence level that I really don't think you want the entire platform to know. But that's fine. Carry on....

I'm surprised you didn't even try to muster a defense. So far, all you've said was "well I broke the contract because I found another buyer after I already agreed to sell it to Gmuxx." This doesn't excuse a breach of contract, chief.

Eh I’m over it, stop causing an issue

stop causing an issue

You're the only one that caused an issue here. And you're getting roasted for it. Maybe next time you should honor a contract you make with someone else.

"such a bully witness"

Says the man who violated his own contractual obligations because he had "no interest in waiting for pennies every week." I didn't know that was a valid excuse to violate a contract.

Classy response. Nuff said. I think this says enough by itself.

I completely agree! You want to trash talk about my refunding a buyer bc it’s too risky to me to accept 5 weekly payments vs 1 bulk payment feel free ... honestly it was the best decision for all parties.
Kudos to you fools for blowing something far outta proportion when you’re not even involved. Butt out! Nosey fools

He's talking about you, and your denial of reality. Keep digging that hole, chief.

Oh my God!!! He really didn’t realize Cork is Noblewitness????


I wonder often how some people survive to adulthood. Then I remember that old saying about drunks and fools....

If that’s the case one would think this high profile witness then wouldn’t be skimming for a minnow half priced ticket for SF and contribute more to the event no?

Ive been to 5 meetups this year, helped plan and fund several of them. Im currently in Peru attending a steem business conference and helping sponsor some venzuelan's attendance costs. Following that i have several more in early 2019 to attend as a vip guest or speaker and ultimately in june a select team and i are producing the largest scale platform wide public event for steem created yet called Steemerica, a north american based steem conference for the americas. We will be sponsoring many needful attendees from around the ecosystem and all of our tickets will be aimply $150.00 per person with no fee increases. Some aub events such as the main banquet will be optional and at an additional fee but all core event speakers and dailt entertainment events will included in the flat rate admission price.

As for Rhonda and steemfest. We all have different projects, expenses and cashflows in terms of both when and how those arrive. As time passes and steemfest tickets inexplicably inflate, we have worked to set aside modest witness income and try to divert other funds to these tickets. But as noted our witness runs two charities and exactly zero for profit projects (tho some are in development for next year) so income derived here not already earmarked to give to charity work or operational costs WOULD obviously go to these tickets. You were paid some of it from Muxxy already before you reneged on your word and rendered your "word" in print... Untrustworthy and useless.

I almost read all of this, and had i kept the funds then i agree I’m a douche, but i don’t know muxxy. Had i known YOU were backing his play YOU are someone i would trust to know the deal wouldn’t sour. In hindsight if i knew i wouldn’t have worried about the transaction bc i know you’d be good for it even though we don’t talk i know ppl that DO vouch for you as i have for me.
I guess if there were all these funds and things I find it strange to not have had the payment in full vs nibbles. I don’t care.
@sircork i will apologize to you for being involved and for stepping in. There’s little transparency on this platform to know who is credible and who is not. I don’t have the time currently to decipher this. I’m dealing with family and hurricane in Florida issues if you’ve not seen the news look. The last thing i need are racial slurs from @rhodak. Needless to say from this experience i DO see true colors of everyone. I won’t back down nor feel in the wrong in the slightest. I’m sorry for slinging mud back at you in the crossfire, i just won’t be bullied by anyone.
For what it’s worth, i applaud you on your continued involvement on this platform making it better and more accessible for others. Very nice! Gtg!

I appreciate the change in tone and show of trust or fzith in me or whatever. Perhaps due diligence such as reference checks on a lendee should be done PRIOR to engaging in an agreement in the future. Because at the end of the there are two facts here thay are plain to see.

  1. You broke a deal without fair reason and its just really bad optics, credibility and other bad things already mentioned in other comments.

  2. No body has considered the incredibly common "call a spade a spade" euphimism or cliche or metaphor or whatever incredibly common phrases that have lost their potential and alleged contexts over hundreds of years of language and cultural changes, as related to anything but playing cards or a farmers garden tool for like 200 frigging years man, so seriously dont even try to lame out with that horseshit. Note: mention of utilization horseshit as a definition for lame attempts to dodge and gas light a thread participant are in no way intended to be animalist or to offend horses.

I saw a video of you once. You're white, dude. Check the mirror.

No hole here to dig. Don’t feel bad. You guys are a bunch of cheap minnow witness babies i guess. I would think you’d want to represent SF by contributing full price tickets to the cause like REAL witnesses, instead you guys are just embarrassing yourselves.
I may still attend the event lol, it’ll be interesting to meet you guys face to face and squash this over a beer or see your true colors.

That would be amazing. Because you are seeing our true colors. We all four believe in truth and justice and old fashioned integrity. We're also not afraid to call a spade a spade and we can't be bought. Some of us spend almost every dime we earn on charity projects with far greater importance than paying full price for tickets. As far as contibuting to the event, apparently you haven't noticed that two of us on the Noblewitness team, including the guy you behaved so dishonorably toward, will be presenting at the event on stage. That's what that ticket was for--to get him there. Based on the upvotes he has received on recent comments, it does appear that the Steemfest organizers are aware of what you did to him. So yeah--how 'bout that beer?

So by calling me a spade, you’re a racist!

Oh dear lord. You really struggle with vocabulary, don't you? I mean,'s a real problem. Basic words confuse you. So I guess it should be no surprise that idiom and colloquialism just flies right over that head of yours.


Let’s see where copy/paste sounding intelligent like you guys gets me.

“Case in point, the expression "to call a spade a spade." For almost half a millennium, the phrase has served as a demand to "tell it like it is." It is only in the past century that the phrase began to acquire a negative, racial overtone.

Clearly @rhodak you are a racist. And since you didn’t take the time to get to know me and know I’m from the South, you clearly are using words that can be misconstrued as racist, choose your words carefully!

Sounds great! I’m in direct contact with roelandp happy to squash this childish squabble over a beer! And if you guys are so MIGHTY and involved, why can’t you act with integrity by buying a ticket from the website like everyone else.

I'm sorry, were you not offering to sell your ticket at the price you agreed to sell it at? Was everyone involved just making that up?

You offered payment in 4 weeks yourself