Witness Update: Every Start is difficult
Well. It happened. I got my first block .. and I missed it.
I paniced a bit when I saw the notification from GINA but took a look at the error-message - and what I saw there, was:
Not producing block for therealwolf because I don't have the private key for STM7X8F1hrSiRcHFaSh71Y8jP73nCCURJhhP3J6F7e6soMJEsSu8M
Which simply means that there wasn't an active key for my public key to handle the signing of the block.
After I dug deep into my memory, I realised that I copy-pasted the code (with my old public key) to update my witness after I reinstalled it on my server (had it on root before, but that's no bueno for security):
update_witness "therealwolf" "https://steemit.com/witness/@therealwolf/making-steem-greater-therealwolf-is-now-a-witness" "STM..." {"account_creation_fee":"0.100 STEEM","maximum_block_size":65536,"sbd_interest_rate":0} true
But I also generated a new key_pair (public and private-key)
Which means:
I had a new private key, but an old public key...
I had pretty much the reaction above.
I'm sorry
I'm sorry for such a stupid mistake, but it simply shows me how important it is to always focus on what I'm doing.
From now on, I'll tripple check if everything is alright.
But it is important for me to give an honest update - even if there isn't a happy message with it.
Don't beat yourself up too much. It's a learning experience..!
Thank you @klye - means a lot to hear it from you. You where pretty much the first witness I voted for a few months back!
The first block is the hardest as the saying goes (is that a saying?). In a few months you'll look back on this and laugh when you're makin' blocks left and right.
I really hope so! And that there aren't more things I might have overlooked, but I checked everything and it should be alright. But I guess we will find out on the next block. Thank you for the reply, matt!
Anecdotes being a witness, even the best wolf escapes the prey, good man and will come more block to catch him as a fast wolf

Thank you for that amazing gif @vidafitnessfeliz! :)
Congrats @therealwolf, I just happened to see you just witnessed a block! There's confirmation you've got everything configured correctly.
Yes, very happy about that! :)
Will create an update about that as well - thank you for your comment!
Hey @ the realwolf.
I am super happy with smartsteem and as a result I voted for you as witness. I wish you much success in the future
Hey @mulletwang, this is because it is still pending
And we have a treshold until it is send out. But I will lower that treshold.
HAHA. you responded much to quickly. I missed the payment between my other payments. Thanks for your quick response. But why did the Steem not payout? What is the threshold it must cross before receiving?
..For anyone wondering; I changed my comment above within minutes of posting it but therealwolf managed to respond before it was updated.
:) everybody makes mistakes - being honest is definitly the best thing you can do. thanks!
Thank you @underpants :)
Every day is training day as they say wolf. I know I voted for you to be witness and Im a minnow newbie. You put out great content and vibe. Don't be to hard on yourself.
Thank you @democratsonly! Really appreciate that
No problem @therealwolf I don't see my vote. Let me check and try again. I m learning this system. Edit: Added your witness vote @therealwolf
hey, shit happens - but I can totally relate to your flabbergasting momentum... of "Schnappatmung" :-) - und, btw.... danke für alles, was du hier für die Community auf den Weg bringst! (z.B. auch Delegation of SP)
Herzliche Grüße aus dem Siebengebirge!
Danke dir @jkiw! :)
Passiert. Mach Dir keinen Kopf. Aufstehen, Krone richten...
Danke dir @oliverschmid :)
@therealwolf hope your work as witness continues to make steemit a better place everyday.
One question. Are the daily payouts from smartsteem being delayed today? Another question is, I noticed the payouts will be made up of sbd and steem from now on. Is this a change you made or something from the steem blockchain?
Regards, @gold84
Hey @gold84, thank you.
The payouts are not delayed, just with a threshold of 0.5 STEEM / SBD. And the payouts are depending on how the user is buying votes via bids :)
@therealwolf thanks for the follow up on this!
Regards, @gold84