
this just reminded me to check am i voting for him. i was sure i am but i am not. now i missed an opportunity to get my 0.001 steem :( do you think it is late to vote for him now and get that free steem? i will try.

I got this memo too. I’m glad most people react the same way by not doing what this loser wants us to do. I don’t mind the downvotes either. I get to decide who I vote for, not some random loser.

This is funny how people started unvoted witness, only because a random copy and paste the same words to masses. I am not the one, who can be manipulated by that kind of shit. This is blockchain and I decide for who I cast my vote!

Exactly. I’m not gonna be pressured.

If he downvotes us all he is going to have very little weight behind his downvotes.

I vote Marky, not going to change.

Yep, his votes will be nothing but mosquito bites to us all.

The day I change what I do because of idiots is the day I eat farts

@themarkymark will still have my vote for all he has done to deal with the crap on Steem. It would be a shitstorm without people like him. I've been threatened by bigger fish than this. In the end they can only take some of my rewards and that is not the only reason I stick around. I like the community.

Ya, this place would be overrun by scammers without people like him doing the work they do.


“Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends, than that good men should look on and do nothing.”
~ John Stuart Mill

That’s why we have to stand up to this nonsense.

I am keeping my vote on @themarkymark, I dont response to threats.
Also, the 100k SP is delegated, so it will run out in a month or so, unless this guy wanna keep throwing money after it.

Ya, he can downvote us all he wants for a month and lose his money in the process. It will be fun to watch and see how much he wants to spend on his temper tantrum.

Yeps. My thought aswell :D

I think he's been blacklisted on dlease by some users. Perhaps they might ban him outright. Some delegators might end their leases early if they knew what was going on.

Yes. He is blacklisted on dlease.
Hopefully they redraw their leases for him :D

Spite the asshats by approving @themarkymark’s proposal on the DAO page.

People like him/her will never change. They threw a hissy fit when their mommy finally tried wean them from her breast at age 13, and mommy caved in because betty-sue or whoever it was that punched him/her, made him/her cry. So now he/she thinks that just throw a hissy fit when they can not get their way. I do not see his/her message as being a bully, just as a petulant 13 year old that thinks the world owes him/her a free tit to drink off of when ever he/she wants, otherwise they would have chosen a stronger user name than milky.

Hahahahaha, so true, what a cry baby!😂😢😭🍼