It's Alive! - STEEM/SBD Donation Plugin For Wordpress + Free Download Link + Installation Instructions

in #witness6 years ago (edited)

We Set A Date For May 12, 2018 And It's Already Here!
Thanks to support from the community and a kick ass blazing fast development team, the Steem Backed - STEEM/SBD Donation Plugin For WordPress has been officially LAUNCHED!

Get it here for free from our secure webserver - Steem Backed where you'll also find more in-depth instructions for installation and usage. Here Is The Basic Summary:

When a user clicks the button, a Modal Pop-Up Window Will Allow Them To Enter The Amount To Send As Well As Choose The Currency Type. The Colors And Text Displayed Are Also Customizeable.

Steem Connect is Used To Handle The Transaction Seamlessly Within Your WordPress Blog Pages Without Re-directing The User To Another Screen.


Once the transaction is completed, the pop-up window will close, and the user can be redirected to a URL, or shown a customized "thank you" message.

Download The Latest Version Of Steem Backed - STEEM/ SBD Donation Plugin For Wordpress 4.9+


How To Install

To Install The Plugin, Simply Download The Zip File From Our Website. You Can Also Get It From Our Steem Backed Github. Once Your Download Has Completed, Locate The Downloaded Zip File And Upload It File To Your WordPress Installation (i.e. http://yoursite/wp-admin/plugins.php ). After Installation Is Confirmed, Activate The Plugin. You Will Then Notice A New Tab In Settings--->SteemBacked -->From here You Can Configure The Button, Preview It In Real-Time, As Well As View Shortcode Examples And Instructions For Placing It In Your Blog.

Adjust Settings

Navigate to the "settings" menu in your wp-admin console, and then choose "SteemBackeD Donate Button". There is more documentation on how to use this plugin on this page.

How to Use

To add the donate button, add the shortcode [steemBackedButton] to any page on your wordpress website.

You can also override the default settings mentioned above by adding the follow attributes to the shortcode:

handle: handle="your steemit username"
button color: bc="#FFF"
button text color: tc="#000"
button border color: bbc="#000"
transaction memo: memo="your transaction memo"
button text: bt="Donate Text"
donation amount: amount="2.0"
what to do on success (0=thank You Message) (1=redirctToUrl): call="0"
thank you message or redirct url: success="Thank You"

EXAMPLE: [steemBackedButton handle="your handle" bc="#FFF" tc="#000" bbc="#000" memo="your transaction memo" bt="Donate Text" amount="2.0" call="0" success="Thank You!!"]

Get A Link instead Of A Button

If you want to place a text-link instead of using a button, just include the attribute link="1" in your shortcode. The shortcode attributes related to style will be ignored.
EXAMPLE: [steemBackedButton link="1"]

Change what happens upon a successful donation:

In the file, sbdJs.js, you will find an if/else statement in the steemBackedDonation function. If the donation is successful, the code in the [if] section is executed. If the donation is cancelled (payment window is closed by user), the code in the [else] section is executed. You can add your own code here to change the default functionality of showing a thank you message or redirecting visitor to another page.

About Steem Backed

SteemBacked Was Created By @Justin Adams And The Codex To Show Our Devotion To The STEEM community. We Are Still New To Steemit, And Though We Are Technically Adept, On Steemit, That Doesn't Matter Much When Your Voice Is Small. If You Like What We Are Doing, Consider Lending One Of Your Free Witness Votes To @justinadamsIf You Can . I Aim To Help Keep The Blockchain Decentralized By Providing Alternative Gateways, Front-Ends, And Nodes Rather Than Everyone On Remain Reliant On Nodes Controlled By A Select Few That May Have Already Prioritized The Use Of Their Nodes To Other Services. Those Services May Or May Not Be Community Related Nor In It's Best Interest. I Also Have A Keen Development Team Alongside, And Cannot Accept All The Credit For What We Produce. Temporary Or Permanent SP Delegations Are Welcome As Well But Never Required. Thanks For Checking Out Our Plugin Guys n Gals. Feel Free To Test It On The Homepage By Sending A Dev Donation ^e^ - With A Bit Of Support, There Will Be Loads More To Come!

--- P.S. Excuse my Artistic form of writing that often includes misplaced capital/lowercase punctuation ;P