Wokeness is the creation of another orthodoxy, the oldest story in the world.

in #wokeness2 years ago


I probably have spent too much time wondering whether wokeness is a product of howling idiots, or systemic lying. It's probably a lot of both. But, mostly it's what you get when you combine intimidation with complacency and suppress critical thinking.

I don't know precisely the age I was when I discovered that biological males don't menstruate, or that height and wingspan are advantages in most contact sports; but, I was younger than anybody around me.

Still, wokesters seem to ignore the former and deny the latter. The Jessica Yaniv phenomenon is something that wokesters do their best to pretend never happened, because it's a pretty plausible case of a male, serial sex abuser putting on a dress in order to force women to touch his dick -- that doesn't work the the rhetoric that nobody lies about being trans, and that it's transphobic to question a person's stated identity. But, Yaniv has claimed to have periods on several occasions; wokesters either try to avoid the issue of a man abusing their policies, or go all in in supporting Yaniv. They also need to double and triple down on the issue of sports in order to keep winning woke cred; so, they focus only on what changes during medical transitions, and not what doesn't.

The issue of sports is a complete cluster fuck of woke bullshit. A lot of wokesters diminish the importance sport in order to avoid the issue in general. Of course, winning scholarships can't be important to anybody, in their minds. Of course, the millennia-old human drive to compete, and win in sport is foreign to them; so, it doesn't matter.

When the wokesters actually do engage on the issue of trans-women in woman's sports, they spout some of the most aggressive bullshit I've ever heard. "Well, if trans-women have an unfair advantage, why do they ever lose to biological women?" Use your brain for a second. One of three things has been true in just about every case of a biological male competing with women: 1) the trans woman does shatter most of the women's records; 2) the athlete was ranked somewhere around 400th competing as a man, and vaulted to top ten competing as a woman; 3) the athlete was past retirement age competing with the men before transitioning, and went on to continue competing with the women.

As for height and wingspan, yes, I've been told by wokesters that that's not a real advantage -- because apparently they measure those features at the NFL combine, and post those measurements before every MMA bout just for the fun of it.

No, I wouldn't cut it in the WNBA if I transitioned. If just about any NBA player transitioned, that player would be the MVP of the WNBA every season.

Wokesters love to look at social constructs as things that are simultaneously important, and things that are completely manufactured. We know that a lot of gender roles are socially constructed; but, we have a lot of them because of biological sex. Men do the more dangerous jobs, fight the wars, etc. because we're a less valuable reproductive resource. If WWII were fought by woman, the Baby Boom wouldn't have happened. That doesn't change with surgeries and drugs.

So, how does this way too popular, incoherent, clearly wrong ideology have traction?

Well, since almost all of the woke voices come from academia, the skin-deep analysis would show that this is a result of smart people who are lying. That falls apart with you realize that the education industrial complex has come to a point where a college degree doesn't even mean that you have an IQ above room temperature anymore.

Most of the woke voices are people about my age and younger. Well, al-shabaab means, "The Youth" in English; so, we've got two different groups of young people who have embraced religions that make no sense, and done their best to philosophically justify violence against those who question or oppose it.

I think we're seeing what authoritarian politics always has been. There are smart wokesters who know how to use memes, slogans, and verbal ejaculations to polarize less intelligent people. They gain power, and tell young people that they'll fail the class and never get a degree unless they regurgitate the rhetoric that got shoved down their throats. They trickle down the proselytizing. The moment they gain power, they start to try to train people from the cradle that free speech is problematic, that certain ideas are off limits, that complacency will be rewarded while eccentricity will be punished; or, specifically with wokeness, the "right" kind of eccentricity will be rewarded with drugs, while the wrong kind will be punished with drugs.

For those who know any history, wokeness is the oldest story in the world. It's the creation of another orthodoxy that will everybody succumb to truth. It's greatest sin, in some ways, is that it's so boring, and lacking in innovation or creativity. It's the Catholic Church, the Nazis, the Soviets, and the Great Leap Forward all over again -- and we're pretending that it's progressive.