in #womanpower7 years ago

Before I say anything, allow me to ask the single most important question that we all have been battling with. 

What is Feminism and what does it mean to you?

Now, consider this from Wikipedia:

Feminism is a range of political movements, ideologies, and social movements that share a common goal: to define, establish, and achieve political, economic, personal, and social equality of sexes. This includes seeking to establish educational and professional opportunities for women that are equal to those for men.  

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Interesting huh? So Feminism is basically built upon a foundation of gender equality. Unfortunately, a lot feminist or people who claim to push this agenda, seem to paint the picture that feminism is all about empowering women over men. These people create the impression that discrimination against women by men is solely responsible for the challenges women face in our society. This has always made it difficult for a lot of men to embrace the term "Feminist" even though their activities and believes may be in line with feminist ideologies.

While going through a conversation between @beanz and @whatsapp this morning, it occurred to me, if we claim we are fighting for gender equality, then why choose the term "feminism"? Of course I wouldn't expect anyone to use the term "masculism" either. This is because using either terms confers some form of prejudice on the true goals and fundamental ideologies of what we may actually stand for. I like to think of myself as an advocate and a believer in equal rights and opportunities for both men and women. It is for this reason that I find the term "humanist" more refreshing and fair. In this regard, @feminism, in her article ' Are you brave enough to be called the dirty word?, made a very crucial point and I couldn't agree with her more:

... men's issues fall under the umbrella of feminism and if we are to call on men to participate in feminist agendas then we need to also make their issues part of our agenda.

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Are Men And Women The Same?      

Of course not. I have always believed that men and women were created differently to compliment each other. I do not think for once that either of us could have survived without the other. As a scientist, I know that women are biologically and emotionally different from their male counterparts and for this reason, may be more suitable and better at handling certain tasks. The vice versa is also true. Even among men, there are still significant differences in our physique and emotional strength and I know women who will surpass a lot of men in this regard. There are yet millions of women out there who have proven themselves smarter, intelligent and more capable than their male counterparts. In my country (Ghana) for instance, the Chief Justice and the Chairperson of the Electoral Commission are both women. 

It is for this reason I believe that, despite our differences, when it comes to opportunities and rights, everyone should be given an equal chance at it. For all you know, there are women who will perform exceptionally at jobs we may consider as manly. 

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From Where I Come  

I am a 25 year old Ghanaian and growing up, I have seen the way our societies, culture and traditions have often portrayed women: Women are supposed to be these weak and emotionally delicate creatures who need to be protected and catered for by men. And I am quite sure that this is not very different from what happens in many different parts of the world. It's like they say, women may have the numbers, but we still live in a male dominated world. It's about time this mentality is changed. While it may be true that women are generally cool, kind-hearted  and caring, it is these qualities that make them special. We as men, should be protecting this nature of women and not abusing it. There are still a lot of women born with great potential and yet pulled down by prejudice. 

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Now back to the topic, feminism is just as important to me as my breakfast. And trust me, my breakfast is very important to me,lol. As a child, my dad wasn't always at home. He was mostly travelling in pursuance of academic qualifications. Don't get me wrong, my dad is a very responsible man and always ensured that we were comfortable. I understand now that most of what he did was for us, but all the same his presence at home would have also meant a lot to us. My point is, I grew up close to my mom and came to appreciate the important role that women play in building our societies. I also had an older female cousin who lived with us and always gave me guidance when I needed them. So yes, I take equal rights for men and women very seriously and sometimes, even personally.

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By participating in this conversation, I hope to change the way people perceive 'feminism' , including those who may pride themselves in being feminist. The fight for equal rights can not be won by women alone. As it stands, there are already lots of men on board and if we must win this, then we need to forge an all inclusive campaign for gender equality. Men should feel that their issues are equally part of this agenda. And together, I have no doubt that we can transform this world into a much better and accommodating place for everyone. 

Thanks a lot @beanz for this opportunity to finally pour out my heart on this delicate subject matter. 







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No, men and women are not same. Women are much much more than men. They are the plinth of a home. Women is a powerhouse. Women is lot more than what we think she can be. Women is the soul of home

Indeed, I couldn't agree with you more. It is commonly said that a man may build a house, but it is a woman who builds a home. Without a woman, a house is just a structure filled with emptiness.

I totally agree with you, women throughout history have shown that they are very fit for certain tasks that are only seen as men worthy. I think it's high time everyone, both men and women stopped seeing women as these fragile creatures that need protection. It's all about the mindset.

I agree bro, in order to change the way society perceive women, we need to start with our children. A person is more likely to carry a mind set with which they grow up with.

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