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RE: Steemit Virus Contest! Women: The Mysteries Behind Their Smiles

in #women7 years ago (edited)

What a great post. As a woman I am always fascinated to read mens interpretations of the fairer sex as we are known. Truly a race apart it seems.
I think men might become more able as women are if they were left to their own devices but with a hard working woman around it is so easy for men to be what a woman would consider by comparison - a little lazy maybe hahaha
But truly if every human lives a conscious life rather than a compulsive one issues that divide the sexes need never arise.
We can live blissfully together if we strive for an inclusive rather than exclusive
Your art piece is clearly showing a person living a double life emotionally but it could be male or female - the subject here is female but men can suffer equally behind a mask of security.
Good luck with your contest - I think it's a winner.
Following you for more inspiration to come.


With a smile on my face, i truly appreciate your contribution. We need oneness truly rather seeing men and women as different creatures! Thanks for your contribution!