An American Woman Gives Birth to Eight TwinssteemCreated with Sketch.

in #women2 years ago (edited)

Scientists consider this phenomenon as a natural miracle, but we as Muslims believe that Allah, the almighty knows all that’s in the womb and he creates whatever he wishes all glory to Allah…..let’s read.. …

Allah, the exalted says in the Holy Qur’an:” He it is Who shapes you in the wombs as He pleases. There is no god but He, The Exalted in Might, The Wise.”Ali- Imran or the Family of Imran: 6

Accordingly, it’s Allah who shapes the fetus in the mother’s womb in the shape Allah has destined for him and no one could interfere in the course of accurate processes that take place during the fetal development. Despite the great medical advancement, any human interference leads to fetal deformation just like what happens in failed human cloning attempts.

However, every now and then, weird cases occur that call for contemplation and meditation to realize the glory of Allah, the creator of the almighty. A Californian woman, for instance, has recorded the weirdest second birth-giving of its kind when she gave birth to eight alive twins; this astonished physicians who were expecting only seven twins in the mother’s womb.

The average weights of the twins were between 800 GMs and 1.5 KGs and six of them are boys they are all in good health in baby incubators after a caesarian operation according to the physicians at “Caesar” Hospital in Bellflower in the state of California.

Although three twins still need ventilators, none of the twins have been noticed to have any serious problems. The expectant mother started having pains in the twenty-third month when she was admitted to the hospital where she spent seven weeks and got bed rest.

During her stay at the hospital, a staff of 46 physicians and nurses took care of her and remained alert and ready for the birth that took place nine weeks before its due date. Dr. Harold Henry, head of the nursery dept. at the hospital said that knowing the real number of twins was hard especially with all these twins in the womb adding "it's easy to make mistakes when you expect that there are seven twins.”

Doctors said that the first week particularly the first three days will be critical for the eight twins and they confirmed that the mother is in a very good condition and that she's excited and amazed by those eight babies. The first birth of eight twins in the USA took place in 1998 in Huston, Texas but one of the twins passed away a couple of days later while the other seven are celebrating their tenth birthday currently.

She gave birth to eight twins, thus she caused an ethical debate

When more information was revealed about the twins’ mother, an ethical debate started to take place about the possibility of the involvement of the artificial insemination center in an unethical case, especially since the mother has six more children while the maternal grandfather said that his daughter wanted to have only one kid and didn’t expect eight twins.

It’s still unknown how the mother ended up having eight embryos for the maternal grandmother said in a press release to the Los Angeles Times that her daughter underwent artificial insemination and the embryos were implanted. Sara Rosenthal, professor of bioethics at the science faculty at the University of Kentucky says: “if the mother underwent artificial insemination, this raises ethical issues that implanting eight embryos is considered irresponsible and unethical ….it shouldn’t have happened.”

Physicians say that giving birth to many twins exposes mothers’ and twins' lives to many dangers such as cerebral hemorrhage, intestine problems, growth retardation, and eternal learning disabilities. In Europe, mainly in Germany and Italy, and according to Prof. Robert George of Brenston University, it's prohibited to implant more than three embryos each time.
The other debate that this issue raised is the mother's mental health because choosing artificial insemination while being able to give birth naturally reflects concern about hersanity. This case also raised the point that the mother has also six children though she’s unmarried which means that seeking more kids is questionable.

The big question, however, is about the physicians who were in charge of the artificial insemination and whodidn’t ask her any questions neither personal nor health in addition to not questioning the mother’s desire to have more children. This woman has been recorded as the weirdest second birth of its kind when she gave birth to eight alive twins, a thing that astonished the physicians who were expecting to find only seven twins in the mother's womb.


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