Top 10 Reasons Why Website Monitoring Is Important For Your Company?

in #wordpress3 years ago

A seamlessly running website offers many benefits. On one hand, it acts as an online representative, and on the other hand, you can utilize it to run online marketing campaigns for branding and promoting business. But then, it is of paramount importance to track that your website can handle many visitors every time in a flawless manner.

Here, website monitoring comes into the picture. Let’s dig deep into the importance of website monitoring and website monitoring tools in this blog. But, before moving ahead, have a glimpse of some interesting facts.

Interesting Facts Related To Website And Its Performance

  • Ideally, an eCommerce website should take two seconds to load
  • 40% of customers do not wait more than three seconds before leaving the website
  • Over 90% of purchasing decisions are done with an online search
  • If an online store experiences 7 hours of downtime, it can lose thousands of dollars

Shockingly, 99% of the uptime mostly experiences a breakdown of around seven hours every month. Therefore, it is of utmost importance for entrepreneurs or business persons to use website monitoring services.

Here are the top 10 major reasons for monitoring the uptime of your business website consistently.

Top Reasons Why Website Monitoring Is Necessary For Enterprises

1. Maintain Brand Image

Whether you own a brick-and-mortar business or run an online store, it is imperative for you to maintain a brand image for your business. These days, as technology advances, the brand image largely depends on online experiences and customer services.

If your website has performance glitches or visitors witness frequent downtimes, chances are high that the online reputation of business gets affected.

Even big names including Facebook, Sony, and Amazon also experience downtime for a specific period. Website monitoring is necessary to prevent such issues and protect your company’s online reputation. It assists you to identify and resolve problems quickly.

2. Prevent Sales And Revenue Loss

Frequent downtimes cost your company in terms of sales and revenue loss. As per an official survey, Amazon revealed that it had an overall profit of $29000 every minute, but when its website faced downtime of only two years, the company lost nearly $99 million.

Whether you are a retail business or dealing in any B2B or B2C business, it is always imperative to ensure that your website remains up and running.

It is fair to mention that downtime of a business website is accepted only once in a while. Website monitoring enables you to stop frequent downtimes for your website.

3. Get A Higher Rank On SERPs

Google tracks every website under the sun. It knows best when your website goes down and ranks your website accordingly on its search pages.

Therefore, it is better to keep your website away from such issues. If your business site is facing downtime frequently for a day or two, it goes down on SERPs (Search Engine Ranking Pages) in Google.

Both website performance in terms of speed and UX (User Experience) along with downtime are some of the determining factors for your website’s search ranking.

4. Offer Best Customer Experience

No business affords to lose customers. If a website is slow the business may keep on losing customers. These days, tech-savvy customers expect a website that loads at lightning-fast speed to give them a pleasant experience.

What’s more, when your existing customers visit your website, it is better to keep them happy. Here, monitoring and keeping track of user activity remain handy for you.

A seamless WordPress plugin User Activity Log Pro is built for this purpose. It can assist you to track visitors from the basis of their activities. This plugin can also send a notification when a particular user is logged in.

Apart from monitoring WordPress site activity, the User Activity Log Pro plugin can help you offer the best customer experience by tracking the log of all user activities.

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