Idea #6 - What Is The Universe? It's Every Combination Possible.

in #world5 years ago


This idea is somewhat hard to convey in such a short article but i will try my best as i feel this idea opens up the world to an infinite amount of possibilities and a new way of thinking.

What is the universe in which we live in?

To me it seems plain to see.. the universe is every single combination possible.

A combination of places, times, people, events.

The creator, one may call him God - has created a system where every single possible combination of anything can happen.. and it's all based on mathematics.

We can see his plan by studying this mathematics and by doing so we can become closer to god.

I will try to explain my logic.

Let's start by looking at people. Do we all look the same? No.. some how every single one of us looks different.. billions and billions of us.

Then if we take a look at different animal species.. it's currently estimated that around 8.7 million species exist on planet earth.

Some of these species have hundreds or even thousands of variants, which means there are billions of types of life forms on this planet.

Then looking at the mathematics behind evolution.. we can see species constantly trying new things, adapting, changing themselves to survive in different environments.

With evolution we can see that nearly any type of species or being is possible. Scientist once thought living organisms could only live in similar conditions to us humans.. but now we find bacteria living in nuclear reactors, in super heated water or highly acidic places.. the possibilities are endless.

So this is just our planet.

Billions and billions of combinations, trillions in fact when you look at the whole history of earth. Just one planet.

How many planets exist in the milky way? Its estimated around 100-200 Billion.. and it's virtually impossible to estimate or calculate how many planets would exist in the entire universe.

The universe is expanding and growing all the time. New planets are being formed, live is evolving, devolving, starting, finishing.. all at once.

Can you work out how many possible combinations of species there would be, let alone events, times, moments?

Every combination possible.. this is what God created.