World of robots

in #world2 years ago


The field of robotics is one of the most important specialties of the future, as it is a branch of science that is witnessing unparalleled development and growth, and is expected to be one of the most sought-after disciplines in the future labor market, as it is a broad science that is not limited to building robots only. If you are interested in this field and want to start your career in it, there must be many questions in your head, what is robotics? What are its applications? And what skills do I need to study and work in this field? Don't worry you are in the right place, today's article will answer all your questions related to robotics.
Service to man

The use of robots has evolved with human development, and the Aid Diet Digi World study analyzed the interaction of robots with a number of emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and fifth generation technology in communications and virtual reality, in addition to the repercussions of digital transformation of industry, smart agriculture, health and self-driving cars on the development of robots and human life.

Increase production

An economic report of the International Federation of Robotics at the end of last year indicated that robotics companies managed in 2018 to sell 422,000 robots worldwide, an increase of 6 percent compared to 2017. In terms of size, Chinese factories lead the world in terms of demand, while Japan is the world's most equipped country with robots.

3 types of robots

Not all robots are the same, so the world of robotics is full of many forms and types of these mechanisms that help humans in their work, the most prominent of which are:

1 — the robot

This type of robot is most famous for the promotion it has benefited from thanks to the science of imagination, and this category combines all the mechanisms that remind us of human morphology. These robots have a chest, head, arms and legs. We can mention Honda's "AS IMO" robot, and the "Dixie" robot developed by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. This type of robot not only resembles a human, but also imitates its movements.

2 — industrial robot

Most of these robots have a fixed base, and when the base is not stable, the robot is usually placed on a rail. We find in this type of robots that are used in welding operations, and others in painting, and the most prominent working robots are the Scar robot or the Delta robot developed by Yakima.

3 — Animated robots

This category brings together all robots with a movable base, and includes robots that use two wheels in movement called “UGA.” These robots are usually used in exploration operations, the most famous of which is the Curiosity robot, which was sent by NASA to explore Mars, and any robot 510 used by the military The American verify that the land is free of mines before dispatching its soldiers.

16.2% sector growth in China

According to several reports, China still maintains its position as the largest market for industrial robots in the world, for the sixth year in a row, as the year 2018 witnessed the sale of 156,000 robots, which represents 36 percent of the total robots in the world. A report by the International Federation of Robotics indicated that China maintained its position globally, in terms of sales volume. According to a report by the China Robotics Industry Alliance, the growth rate of the robotics sector reached 16.2 percent in China during 2018.

This growth, according to Steve Y ate, Vice President of the International Organization for Robotics, who is also the vice president of ABB Group, is due to China's policy aimed at supporting and encouraging national companies.